
  • 网络pakistan air force;paf
  1. 不考虑巴基斯坦空军对J-10的采购,如果中国对出口J-10有兴趣,他不得不扩展它的生产线。

    Irrespective of PAF purchase of J-10 , if China is interested in selling J-10 abroad , it will HAVE to expand its production line .

  2. 如果电子系统是俄系的话,巴基斯坦空军将不得不从西方获得然后安装在歼十上,这将会需要两年时间。

    If the electronics are Russian , PAF will have to pick out a new package from the west to place in their J-10s which would take another couple of years .

  3. 巴基斯坦空军正在南瓦济里斯坦(southwaziristan)针对武装分子的战役中使用这些战斗机。

    The Pakistani air force is using the fighter jet in its campaign against militants in South Waziristan .

  4. 尽管美国的制裁已在大约10年前取消,但巴基斯坦空军(PAF)仍计划在未来10年采购至多250架JF-17战机。

    Even though US sanctions were lifted about a decade ago , the Pakistan Air Force plans to acquire up to 250 JF-17s over the next 10 years .

  5. 巴基斯坦空军还将购买多达250架中巴合作生产的JF-17战斗机。分析人士预计,此项交易的总价值约合50亿美元。

    The Pakistan air force is buying up to 250 JF-17 fighter aircraft jointly produced by China and Pakistan in a deal that analysts believe could be worth about $ 5bn .

  6. 如果这些战机在巴基斯坦空军手中发挥良好,其它国家将会效仿。

    If they work well with the Pakistani air force , others will follow .