
  • 网络Papuan;the Papuans;Papuan people
  1. 很显然,这些巴布亚人已经跟欧洲人有过来往,他们见过而且能够识别欧洲人的船只。

    It was obvious these Papuans had already entered into relations with Europeans and knew their ships .

  2. 可是,如果这个时候,巴布亚人占据了平台,我真不知。道您怎样可以不让他们进来呢。

    But if these Papuans are occupying the platform at that moment , I don 't see how you can prevent them from entering .

  3. 他们是真正的巴布亚人,身材高大,体格魁伟,前额宽大高起,鼻子粗大,但不扁平,牙齿洁白。

    They obviously were true Papuans , men of fine stock , athletic in build , forehead high and broad , nose large but not flat , teeth white .

  4. 巴布亚人可能由于单单看见搁浅在海湾中的大怪物,便不敢前来,因为嵌板仍然开着,他们很容易走进诺第留斯号里面来。

    No doubt the Papuans had been frightened off by the mere sight of this monster aground in the bay , because our hatches stayed open , offering easy access to the Nautilus 's interior .

  5. 巴布亚新几内亚人一直吃死人——都是吃死亡不久的部落成员。

    The Fore people of Papua New Guinea had long practiced mortuary cannibalism - ritually consuming the bodies of recently deceased tribe members .

  6. 老实人,我回答,当我觉得他的诺第留斯号是要受巴布亚上人的严重威胁的时候,船长带着十足嘲讽的神气回答了我。

    My boy , I replied , when I expressed the belief that these Papuan natives were a threat to his Nautilus , the captain answered me with great irony .

  7. 英国广播公司在声明中说:“BBC被告知,2011年的纪录片《人类星球》中关于巴布亚新几内亚科罗威人的一集出现了违反编辑准则的情况。”

    In a statement the BBC said : " The BBC has been alerted to a breach of editorial standards in an episode of Human Planet from 2011 which concerns the Korowai people of Papua New Guinea .

  8. 2011年播出的纪录片《人类星球》共有八集。其中的一集描绘了巴布亚新几内亚科罗威人的生活,展示了他们搬到树屋居住的场景。

    An episode of the eight-part Human Planet series , which aired in 2011 , depicted the life of the Korowai people of Papua New Guinea and included members moving into a treehouse .