
  • 网络polynesian
  1. 波利尼西亚人相互见面时总是相互问候阿洛哈。

    The Polynesian people greet each other Aloha when they meet .

  2. 效忠首领是波利尼西亚人最基本的文化。

    Allegiance to chiefs was a fundamental of Polynesian culture .

  3. 一种由妇女进行的波利尼西亚人的求雨舞蹈。

    A Polynesian rain dance performed by a woman .

  4. 夏威夷土人波利尼西亚人血统的夏威夷人我们鄙夷势利小人。

    A Hawaiian of Polynesian descent . We disdain a man for his snobbishness .

  5. 专家说波利尼西亚人最早在两千年前到达这个岛。

    Experts say Polynesian people first sailed to Hawaii about two thousand years ago .

  6. 波利尼西亚人载着猪、山药及大约30种其他植物在岛屿间航行。

    Polynesians sailed from island to island with pigs , yams and around 30 different plants .

  7. 很多移民生活在夏威夷,超过三分之二的夏威夷居民自称为亚洲人和波利尼西亚人的后裔。

    Many live in Hawaii , more than two-thirds of whose people boast on Asian or Polynesian heritage .

  8. 即在今日,澳大利亚人和许多波利尼西亚人还是处在蒙昧时代的这个中级阶段上。

    The Australian aborigines and many of the Polynesians are still in this middle stage of savagery today .

  9. 人类学家过去不清楚如今生活在太平洋诸岛上的波利尼西亚人的祖先来自何方。

    Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of the Polynesian peoples now living in the Pacific Islands came from .

  10. 舞蹈述说了一个划着木舟从其它岛屿远道而来,并在心爱的夏威夷安家的波利尼西亚人的故事。

    The dance told the story of the Polynesians who came in their outrigger canoes from other islands far away and settled on the islands of Hawai'i Nei .

  11. 例如曾经生活在新西兰的恐鸟,14世纪波利尼西亚人到达那里后,这种巨鸟可能在短短的一个世纪内就灭绝了。

    For example , the moa , a giant bird that once lived on New Zealand , was wiped out by arriving Polynesians in the 1300s , probably in just a century .

  12. 京晶:没错,而波利尼西亚人的纹身却是最原始的、最具艺术感的古代纹身之一,这些波利尼西亚人会不停地给身体增加纹身以至于全身都被图案覆盖。

    That'sright . And Polynesian tattooing was one of the most original and artistic forms of ancient tattoos . The Polynesian people would add more and more tattoos to themselves until their body was completely covered .

  13. 从一个永久居住地往外数3585千米1而碰不到一个活人几乎是不可能的。但第一个跨过太平洋的波利尼西亚人却很有潜力,不过这需要一个孤独的水手比他的队友快出一大截。

    It 's hard to get 3585 kilometers from a permanently inhabited place . 1 The Polynesians , who were the first humans to spread across the Pacific , might have managed it , but this would have required a lone sailor to travel awfully far ahead of everyone else .