
  • 网络poti;P'ot'i
  1. 为什么占着我们的战略港口波季(poti)不走?

    Why does it continue to occupy our strategic port of Poti ?

  2. 在城市的塞纳基,只是内陆,从波季,俄罗斯军队破坏铁路线,一个军事基地,以及中心的房屋谁平民逃离阿布哈兹附近,另一个分裂的格鲁吉亚地区。

    In the town of Senaki , just inland from Poti , Russian forces damaged a railway line , a military base , and a center housing civilians who fled from nearby Abkhazia , another breakaway Georgian region .

  3. 里欧波是橄榄油季其中一名挑选者。

    Leopold botteri is one of the festival 's selectors .