
  • 网络the Po River
  1. 黑潮继续流入波河,预期周末将抵达亚得里亚海。

    The black tide continues down the Po River and is expected to reach the Adriatic by the weekend .

  2. 波河流域是意大利最重要的农业地区,该地区的食物供给占到意大利的三分之一。

    The Po river valley is the most important agricultural region in Italy , producing a third of Italy 's agricultural output .

  3. 2018年,农民将在埃布罗河三角洲和欧洲其他两处主要的稻米产区——意大利的波河沿岸和法国的罗纳河种植最有希望的品种。

    In 2018 , farmers will plant the varieties with the most promise in the Ebro Delta and Europe 's other two main rice-growing regions — along the Po in Italy , and France 's Rh ô ne .

  4. 同时也有一个大的冲积平原,波河-威尼斯平原,被波河和它的许多支流冲积而成,这些河流来自于阿尔卑斯山脉、亚平宁山脉和道罗迈特(Dolomites)。

    Here is also found a large alluvial plain , the Po-Venetian plain , drained by the Po River and its many tributaries flowing down from the Alps , Apennines and Dolomites .

  5. .意大利环境官员警告泄漏入波河的石油会导致生态灾难。

    Officials Warn of Ecological Disaster Caused by Oil Spill in Italy

  6. 文艺复兴城市费拉拉及波河三角洲

    Ferrara , City of the Renaissance and its Po Delta

  7. 纳波河:那不是荒僻的地方。

    18The Napo river : it is not out of the way .

  8. 意大利西北一城市,位于波河河畔、米兰西南偏西方。

    A city of northwest Italy on the Po River west-southwest of Milan .

  9. 意大利东北部一城市,位于威尼斯西南面的阿迪杰河与波河之间。

    A city of northeast Italy between the Adige and Po rivers southwest of Venice .

  10. 关于波河这边(以南)的高卢人的庞培法川中&川南过渡带须家河组烃源岩特征

    Features of source rocks in the Xujiahe formation at the transitional zone of central-southern Sichuan basin

  11. 意大利环境官员警告泄漏入波河的石油会导致生态灾难。

    Italian environmental officials are warning of an ecological disaster in Italy caused by an oil spill flowing down the Po River .

  12. 亨利重返前线,奉命用他的三辆救护车装载医院设备,南下波河流域。

    Henry returned to the front with orders to load his three ambulances with hospital equipment and go south into the Po valley .

  13. 意大利最长河流&波河,横跨其某支流上的一座桥也因不断上升的水位被毁。

    A bridge across one of the tributaries of the River Po , Italy 's longest river , was destroyed by rising water .

  14. 官方还称,350万公升的石油已经流入波河,并且环境污染随处可见。

    The official said three-and-a-half million liters of oil have already poured into the river and the environmental devastation is there for everyone to see .

  15. 安妮·迪拉德讲述了自己游览厄瓜多尔丛林深处的纳波河的经历。那是大自然遭受人为破坏最少的地区之一。

    Annie Dillard tells of her visit to the Napo River in the heart of the Ecuadorian jungle , one of nature 's most unspoiled places .

  16. 这种树在南非北部、林波波河省一个当地人在街上卖水果的地方最常见到。

    It is mostly found in the northern part of South Africa in the province of Limpopo , where local people sell the fruit on the street .

  17. 小象沿着又大又油腻的灰绿色的林波波河的河岸,一直走到他踩上一根他所认为的原木。其实那就是鳄鱼。

    Little Elephant went on along the bank of the great gray-green , greasy Limpopo River until he stepped on what he thought was a log , but it was the crocodile .

  18. 在南非,截至12月26日,已累计记录发生了1279例病例以及12例死亡病例(病死率为0.9%),大部分病例发生在林波波河地区(1194例)。

    In South Africa as of26 December , 1279 cumulative cases and12 deaths ( CFR of0.9 % ) had been recorded , with the bulk of the cases ( 1194 ) in the Limpopo area .