
  • 网络Persian literature
  1. 中世纪波斯文学中的悲剧意识

    The Tragedy Conscience in Medieval Persian Literature

  2. 波斯文学是东方文学的重要组成部分,波斯诗歌是波斯文学皇冠上的明珠,在绚丽多彩的世界文坛占有非常显赫的地位,然而,我国对其研究还不够全面、深入。

    Persian literature is an important part of Eastern literature , and Persian poetry is a pearl in the crown of Persian literature and occupies an important position in world literature . However , the study of Persian poetry in China is far from being comprehensive and thorough .

  3. 北京大学波斯语言文学系主任申一明表示,该项目以前每四年才招生一次,每次也只有10人左右登记。

    Shen Yiming , director of the Section of Persian Language and Literature at Peking University , said the program used to recruit students every four years , with only about 10 being enrolled each time .

  4. 申主任说,继北京大学之后,上海外国语大学,中国传媒大学,北京外国语大学,对外经贸大学和西安外国语大学也纷纷建立了自己的波斯语专业,以满足不断增长的学习波斯语言、文学、历史和文化的需求。

    Following Peking University , Shanghai International Studies University , Communication University of China , Beijing Foreign Studies University , University of International Business and Economics and Xi'an International Studies University also set up their own Persian specialties to meet the growing demand to learn the language , literature , history and culture , Shen said .