
fāng yán
  • dialect;localism;vernacular;patois
方言 [fāng yán]
  • [dialect] 一种语言中跟标准语有区别,主要用在口语上或口头上的地区性或区域性的语言变体

方言[fāng yán]
  1. 这种方言很难懂。

    It was difficult to understand the local dialect .

  2. 要说出同一语言的方言差异到什么程度就成为一种别的语言是不可能的。

    It is impossible to say at what point along the continuum a dialect becomes a separate language .

  3. 在20世纪50年代,许多意大利人只会说当地方言。

    In the fifties , many Italians spoke only local dialect

  4. 在法国,欠发达的农村地区说方言。

    In France patois was spoken in rural , less developed regions .

  5. 没什么比他使用过时的方言时那种自负的神态更气人的了。

    And nothing was so irritating as the confident way he used archaic idiom .

  6. 这些新的布道稿本大部分是用书面梵语而不是方言记载的。

    Most of these new sermons were recorded in literary Sanskrit rather than in vernacular language .

  7. 这么多年后,她又开始讲威尼托方言,没有人能听懂她的话。

    After all these years she had reverted to her Veneto dialect and nobody could understand what she was saying .

  8. 那部小说里的人物讲的是一种约克郡方言。

    The characters in that novel speak a Yorkshire dialect .

  9. 那些文章是用我看不懂的方言写的。

    Those articles were written in tongues that I could not read .

  10. 伦敦方言是在伦敦东区讲的颇有特色的地方语。

    Cockney is the colourful dialect spoken in the East End of London .

  11. 他会说好几种方言。

    He can speak several dialects .

  12. 他们用方言交谈。

    They were speaking in dialect .

  13. 这意味着他们出生在伦敦的中心地带,会说自己独特的英语方言。

    This means they were born in the heart of London and speak their own special dialect of English .

  14. 即使在今天,无论中国人住在哪里,说什么方言,他们仍然可以用书面语交流。

    Even today , no matter where Chinese people live or what dialect they speak , they can all still communicate in writing .

  15. 多年来,这个系统发展成了不同的形式,因为在那个时代,人们按照地理被划分开,产生了不同的方言和字符。

    Over the years , the system developed into different forms , as it was a time when people were divided geographically , leading to different dialects ( ) and characters .

  16. Weaponofmassdistraction这个表达是对weaponofmassdestruction(大规模杀伤性武器)一词完美的双关演绎,后者(通常用复数形式)曾被美国方言协会选为2002年的年度词汇。

    Weapon of mass distraction is a pun-perfect play on weapon of mass destruction . The latter phrase ( in its plural2 form ) was voted word of the year for 2002 by the American Dialect Society .

  17. 他的叙述是方言和土语最成功的运用。

    His narrative is a super rendering of dialect speech and idiom .

  18. 这个地区成为语言和方言的大杂烩,有些来自东部,有些来自南部,而有些完全是来自别的国家。

    The region became a hodgepodge of languages and dialects , some from the east , some from the south and some from other countries entirely .

  19. 试论四川方言的倒X不X/Y结构

    On the Sichuan Dialect of " DAO sth. BU sth. " Structure

  20. 谈东北方言中的及物动词gáo

    On a transitive verb in dialect of northeast of china : ɡá o

  21. 从义乌方言看现代汉语的V·de结构及de的性质

    Observing the structure of v.de and the nature of de in Mandarin Chinese in Terms of Yiwu Dialect

  22. 它定义了一些常用的查询方言,并且具有足够的可扩展性,允许定义新的方言(请参阅下面的全天候Web场景)。

    It defines some common query dialects that can be used , but is extensible enough to allow for new ones to be defined as well ( see the24x7 web presence scenario below ) .

  23. 此样式表将定义XHTML的小型子集,将其转换为第二个样式表的呈现页面的中间XML方言(“连续文本”语言)。

    This stylesheet defines a small subset of XHTML , translating it into the intermediate page-rendering XML dialect of the second stylesheet , a " flowing text " language .

  24. 将基于Mel频率域能量(简称Mel能量)的拓扑独立分量分析算法(ME-TICA)用于方言特征提取。

    An algorithm of TICA , ME-TICA ( TICA based on Mel energy ), was proposed to extract dialect features .

  25. 本研究探讨早期方言-普通话双语者的方言(L1)语素意识对普通话(L2)语素意识以及汉字识别的作用。实验选取了22名被试,选自莆田市仙游县一所小学。

    The present study probed into the contribution of dialect-Putonghua bilinguals ' dialect ( L1 ) morphological awareness to Putonghua ( L2 ) morphological awareness and Chinese character recognition.22 subjects from a primary school in Xianyou County participated in the experiment .

  26. VP-neg?是黄冈方言使用频率较高的一种特殊问句类型。

    " Vp - neg " is a type of special interrogative pattern with a high frequency of usage in HuangGang dialect .

  27. 苹果语音团队负责人亚历克斯?阿赛罗说,当公司研发人员开始教Siri一门新的语言时,会让真人用各种方言和口音来阅读文本段落,然后再手动转录,这样计算机就可以拥有准确学习样本。

    At Apple , the company starts working on a new language by bringing in humans to read passages in a range of accents and dialects , which are then transcribed by hand so the computer has an exact representation of the spoken text to learn from , said Alex Acero , head of the speech team at Apple .

  28. 《聊斋俚曲》方言词汇文化意蕴研究

    The Study on the Cultural Connotation of the Dialect Vocabulary in

  29. 山西临猗方言人称代词的音变

    Tone Change of Personal Pronouns of Linyi Dialect in Shanxi Province

  30. 广州方言异序词的百年演变

    Changes of Reverse-Words in Cantonese Dialect during the Latest 100 Years