
fānɡ biàn miàn
  • instant noodles
方便面 [fāng biàn miàn]
  • [instant noodles]一种快餐食品,用开水冲泡即可食用的面条

  1. 如果你对如何在中国营销方便面感到好奇,那不妨来看看食品及饮料巨头康师傅控股有限公司(TingyiHoldingCorp.,简称:康师傅控股)今年上半年的业绩。

    If you 've ever wondered what it takes to market instant noodles in China , take a look at food and beverage giant Tingyi Holding Corp. 's results for the first half of this year .

  2. 美国网络新闻媒体&美国国家公共电台NPR报道称,方便面由面粉经棕榈油炸制而成,它的油脂再加上汤,容易让人有持久的饱腹感。

    According to the NPR , a US-based online news outlet , the fat in instant noodles , which are made with wheat flour fried in palm oil , combined with the soup , keeps one feeling full for longer .

  3. 基于气功和PLC的五袋入方便面包装机

    The Five-bag-instant - noodle Packing Machine Based on Pneumatic and PLC

  4. HACCP原理在方便面酱包生产中的应用

    Application of HACCP in Production of Instant Noodle Sauce

  5. HACCP系统在袋装油炸方便面生产中的运用

    Application of HACCP System in Processing of Fried Instant Noodle Packaged in Bag

  6. HACCP在方便面生产中的应用

    The application of HACCP in instant noodle manufacture

  7. 随着中国加入WTO,世界方便面企业纷纷在中国抢滩,争夺中国广阔的市场。

    Since China 's enter to WTO , all the famous instant noodle producers should compete their market shares in China based on their own advantages .

  8. 油炸方便面生产中危害分析与关键控制点(HACCP)管理方案的研究与应用

    Study and Application of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point ( HACCP ) Administrative plan to Fried Noodle Processing

  9. 据大阪商业博物馆(Osaka'sEntrepreneurialMuseum)称,大阪还发明了郊区、卡其布、电影院、电动洗衣机、保险,当然最重要的发明要属方便面了。

    According to Osaka 's Entrepreneurial Museum , Osaka invented suburbs , khaki , cinemas , electric washing machines , insurance and , most important , pot noodles .

  10. 我们的优点之一是我们在方便面中添加维他命E来代替传统的让人不适的防腐剂以防止其快速腐坏。

    One of our strong points is that we add Vitamin E to prevent the noodle from going bad too quickly instead of traditional preservative or antiseptic which people are not comfortable with .

  11. 2001年方便面的生产以品牌旗帜下的延伸整合为特征,获得了理性的发展。随着中国加入WTO,世界方便面企业纷纷在中国抢滩,争夺中国广阔的市场。

    This industry got rational development under the flags of brands in 2001.Since China 's enter to WTO , all the famous instant noodle producers should compete their market shares in China based on their own advantages .

  12. 运用危害分析及关键控制点(HACCP)原理对方便面调味酱包生产过程进行了危害分析及关键控制。

    The hazard analysis and critical control points ( HACCP ) approach was used to identify the critical control points in the production of instant noodle sauce .

  13. 根据伯恩斯坦(Bernstein)的数据,中国的方便面销售增长同样在下降,从2012年的12%降至2013年的3%。

    Similarly , sales growth in China slowed from 12 per cent in 2012 to 3 per cent in 2013 , according to Bernstein .

  14. 试验前后进行面条餐(120g方便面)试验。

    The 120g noodles tests were carried out before and after treatment .

  15. 本文主要以小麦面粉、荞麦面粉、大豆粉为主要原料,以谷氨酰胺转胺酶(TG)作为品质改良剂对荞麦馒头、面包、方便面进行品质影响研究。

    Wheat flour , buckwheat flour and soybean flour were used materials , researched the effect on quality properties of buckwheat steamed bread , baked bread and instant noodle by using transglutaminase ( TG ) as quality improver .

  16. LL-4200型湿方便面生产线的开发

    Exploitation of type LL-4200 product line of humid and instant noodle

  17. 花旗(Citi)分析师表示,中国的外来务工人员和学生人数增长率近年有所下降,这对方便面生产商来说是坏消息,因为这两大群体是方便食品的消费主力。

    Analysts at Citi say the rates of growth in migrant worker and student populations in China have been shrinking in recent years – bad news for noodle makers as these groups are large consumers of such convenience foods .

  18. 北京一家超市中码放的康师傅和统一企业方便面。作为“康师傅”方便面品牌的持有者以及百事公司(PepsiCoInc.,PEP)的合作伙伴,康师傅控股在提交给香港交易所的中期财报中列举了今年以来的部分重要营销活动,具体如下:

    Tingyi , owner of the ' Master Kong ' noodle brand and a partner with PepsiCo Inc. , lists some of its promotional highlights so far this year in its report to the Hong Kong stock exchange , including :

  19. 研究了小麦胚芽粉对提高油炸方便面复水后粘弹性的效果,并与其他品质改良剂(磷酸交联淀粉、活性干面筋、鲜鸡蛋清、瓜尔豆胶、CMC)的效果进行了比较。

    The efficiencies of wheat germ flour for improving the viscoelasticity of the instant noodle softened in boiling water and that of the other quality modifiers such as cross linking starch phosphate , active dried gluten , fresh albumen , guar bean gum and CMC were studied .

  20. 从方便面的加工工艺、质量指标、经济效益等综合考虑,茶多酚的添加量以50ppm为宜。

    For the good quality of instant noodles and better benefit of instant noodle production , the addition of 50 ppm polyphenolic compounds seems to be feasible .

  21. 前投资银行家张迅豪(NormanCheung)的迷你储物服务创业型企业走得更远。自1月份以来,他已从亚洲一些最知名的投资者募集810万美元,包括世界上最大方便面生产商顶新集团(TingHsingroup)的创始人。

    Norman Cheung , a former investment banker , has got much further with his micro-storage start-up , which has raised $ 8.1m since January from some of Asia 's best-known investors , including the founders of Ting Hsin group , the world 's biggest maker of instant noodles .

  22. 四川白家食品公司是中国主要的方便面制造商之一,已经向德国慕尼黑地方法院提交了对OKAI进出口股份有限公司的诉讼。

    Sichuan Baijia Food Company , one of the major instant noodle manufacturers in China , has filed a lawsuit against OKAI Import Export GmbH with the Munich District Court in Germany .

  23. 根据马来西亚马来亚银行(Maybank)的数据,印尼人均方便面消费量从2001年起以年均5.2%的增速上涨,至2007年达到人均66包。2007年以后又以每年1.5%的速度下降,到去年降至人均61包。

    Annual per capita consumption of noodles in Indonesia rose by an average of 5.2 per cent from 2001 , to reach 66 packets a year in 2007 . Since then it has declined 1.5 per cent a year to 61 packets last year , according to Malaysia 's Maybank .

  24. 采购:方便面,休闲食品,咸味坚果。

    Buy : instant noodle , snack food , salted nuts .

  25. 中国是世界上方便面生产第一大国。

    China is the biggest instant noodle producer in the world .

  26. 确立竞争优势提高国内方便面生产厂家的经济效益

    Increase the profit of noodle makers by establishing its competitive dominance

  27. 中国方便面行业市场竞争态势的分析与思考

    Analysis and consider of competitive state in China instant noodle market

  28. 方便面吃起来没有真正的面条好吃。

    Instant noodles do not taste as good as real noodles .

  29. 方便面汤料的生产与发展趋势

    Production and Developing Trend or the Soup Blend for Instant Noodles

  30. 聚类分析在油炸型方便面感官评价中的应用

    Application of Cluster Analysis in Sensory Evaluation of Fried Instant Noodle