
Xiānɡ ɡēn
  • Hakone
  1. 他指导母校明治大学(Meijiuniversity)在箱根驿传(HakoneEkiden)大学接力赛(从东京到富士山脚下往返)中获胜。

    He coached his alma mater , Meiji university , to victory in the Hakone Ekiden university relay race , run in stages from Tokyo to the foot of Mount Fuji and back .

  2. 可以在日本中南部地区的箱根小涌园温泉主题乐园和spa度假胜地里泡泡清酒浴,或是在众多其他选择中选择一种,可以是绿茶、红酒或咖啡浴。

    Soak in a sake bath or one of several other options , including green tea , red wine or coffee , at the Hakone Kowakien Yunessun Hot Springs Amusement Park and Spa Resort in south-central Japan .

  3. 箱根町温泉胜地还向游客提供咖啡浴、茶浴及日本米酒浴。

    The Yunessun also offers baths of coffee , tea and Japanese sake .

  4. 日本,箱根一名工作人员正在指挥交通。

    Hakone , Japan A stuff is directing traffic .

  5. 26日,我乘车来到箱根(日本本州岛东南部城镇)和富士山。

    On October 26 , I took a bus to Hakone and Mount Fuji .

  6. 会议地址箱根位于东京以西约60英里处。

    The meeting will be held at Hakone , about 60 miles west of Tokyo .

  7. 被蓝天、白云、森林环抱着的箱根,再一次让我感觉回到了英国!

    Is the blue sky , white clouds , the forest bathes the once again , let me feel returned to England !

  8. 箱根,是个我很早以前就想去的地方,趁着假期,又溜出去玩了一趟!

    The long ago , I want to go to the National Day holiday , while sneaking out and play a trip !

  9. 此外还有“箱根八里”、早云寺、千条瀑、仙石原、九头龙神社等名胜古迹。

    In addition to the " eight " and early cloud temple , thousand waterfalls , fairy , nine dragons higher shrine sites .

  10. 而且那里的菜真是一流,是我吃过最好吃的韩国菜,如果有朋友去箱根,一定要去试一下!

    And the food is first-rate , I had the most delicious Korean cuisine , if a friend to the , must try !

  11. 2000年,就在他去世前不久,平贺敬美术馆在他箱根汤本的住家附近创立,纪念这位艺术家精彩的一生。

    In2000 , shortly before his death , the Hiraga Key Museum was established near his home in Hakone Yumote in honour of his fascinating artistic life .

  12. 箱根的温泉久享盛名,这里有著名的“箱根七汤”,就是七个被视为疗养胜地的温泉。

    For the rest of the hot spring , here are the famous " the seven soup ", is seven is regarded as the hot spring resort , recuperate .

  13. 个把钟头后,便到了与富士同属伊豆公园的著名箱根风景区,活火山的奇观首先呈现在眼前。

    After some hours we then arrived at the famous Hakone scenic area that together with Fuji belongs to Izu Park . The volcano 's wonders appeared prominently before our eyes .

  14. 距离东京仅有一天路程的神奈川县箱根町是一个多山的温泉胜地。这里的一家温泉公园设了一种啤酒杯状的浴缸,浴缸内盛满了散发着啤酒花和大麦清香的热啤酒。

    In Hakone Kowakien Yunessun , a mountainous hot spring resort just a day trip from Tokyo , a spa park is offering a bathtub , shaped like a beer mug , filled with heated amber water and white foam with the aroma of hops and barley .