
  • 网络box jellyfish;Chironex fleckeri;Cubozoa;Carukia barnesi
  1. 箱水母进化出了真正的眼睛,很有特点的眼角膜,晶状体还有视网膜,简直是水母一族中中的传说啊。

    Box jellyfish have it over the rest of the jellyfish world & they have true eyes , featuring corneas , lenses and retinas .

  2. 箱水母各式各样的眼睛表明它们进化得更聪明了。

    Their various eyes show that the jellies evolved a clever strategy .

  3. 人类很早就发现箱水母有四种不同类型的眼睛,一共24只。

    Anyway , its been long known that box jellies had eyes , 24 in fact , of four different types .