
  • 网络Birds of the World
  1. 它提供有启发性的,国际性的,以及最新的世界鸟类保护研究重点。

    The official journal of BirdLife International , it provides stimulating , international and up-to-date coverage of bird conservation topics important in today 's world .

  2. 中国是世界鸟类分布种数最丰富的国家之一,而且有许多珍稀濒危特有种。

    China is one of the countries with the most bird species in the world , and among these species are many rare , endangered and endemic ones .

  3. 统计世界野生鸟类的总数并非易事。

    Counting the number of wild birds in the world is no easy task .

  4. 本文简要介绍了美国学者查尔斯·西伯莱等人采用DNA-DNA分子杂交方法建立的世界现代鸟类新系统。

    The paper has introduced a classification of the living birds of the World based on the results of DNA-DNA hybridization studies .

  5. 这将是未来全世界研究鸟类的一个基准。

    It will be a base line for future bird studies all over the world .

  6. 这种新世界的鸟类为什么会以半个地球外的国家的名字来命名。

    How a New World bird came to be named after countries halfway around the globe .

  7. IUCN1998世界濒危鸟类红皮书将斑背大尾莺列为濒危物种。

    The Japanese Marsh Warbler was listed as endangered species in IUCN Red Book ( 1998 ) .

  8. 小鸟吟唱(它是世界上鸟类第二多的城市),诗人沉思,就连大妈们都大胆地脱掉了凉鞋里面的羊毛袜子。

    Birds sing ( it 's the world 's second-most avian rich city ) . Poets muse . Even Aunties recklessly remove the woolly socks under their sandals .

  9. 最近,一份研究报告解开了有关信天翁飞行路径的秘密,这将对保护这类世界濒危鸟类起到至关重要的作用。

    The mystery of where albatrosses go during their epic migrations has been solved by a study that will help the world 's most threatened family of birds .

  10. 抗抑郁药物对世界上鸟类的影响有多么广泛,我们不得而知,但最近几十年中大约有共计五千万椋鸟数量的下降很可能和人类服用抗抑郁药物有关。

    Their general mood and disposition remained the same . Just how widespread an impact this could have on the world 's bird populations isn 't known , but it 's thought that it might have something to do with the decline in the starling population over the last few decades - to the tune of about 50 million birds .

  11. 他特别喜欢那本讲世界上各种鸟类的书。

    He likes the book on the birds of the world very much .

  12. 国际野禽研究所关注着全世界的濒危鸟类。

    The International Wildfowl Research Bureau watches over endangered species of birds thoughout the world .

  13. 包含世界上大部分鸟类;除食果蝙蝠以外的所有蝙蝠,包含食虫蝙蝠。

    Most of the bats in the world ; all bats except fruit bats insectivorous bats .

  14. 国家重点保护鸟类有10科36种,世界受胁鸟类有8科12种;

    Among which , 36 species belonging to 10 families are the national protected birds and 12 species belonging to 8 families are the endangered birds of the world .

  15. 辽西是世界上研究鸟类起源、恐龙进化、鸟类、哺乳动物以及被子植物的早期演化等最重要地区之一。

    Western Liaoning of China has become one of the most important areas in the world for study of the origin of birds , evolution of dinosaurs , and the early evolutions of birds , mammals and angiosperms .

  16. 事实上北京是全世界最好观察鸟类的首都之一这让很多人惊讶不已——“怎么可能”!

    that Beijing was a really , really good place to watch birds Actually it is one of the best capital cities in the world to see birds Which surprises a lot of people - they say " That can 't be true " !

  17. 它是世界上观察研究鸟类最佳的目的地之一。

    It ranks as one of the top birding destinations in the world .

  18. 比如,那里有500中哺乳动物、世界三分之一鸟类、

    For example , there are 500 species of mammals , one third of the world 's bird population ,

  19. 拯救世界上最珍惜鸟类马达加斯加潜鸭的任务似乎已经取得成功。

    A rescue mission to save one of the world 's rarest birds , the Madagascar Pochard , seems to have succeeded .

  20. 鸟类1244种,占世界总数的13.7%,是世界上鸟类种数最多的国家;

    1244 kinds of birds , 13.7 % of that in the world , ranking the first in the world ;

  21. 亚马逊雨林中的物种占世界已知物种的十分之一,包括世界上20%的鸟类和对限制温室气体至关重要的40000种植物和树木。

    The Amazon is home to 1 in 10 of the world 's known species , 20 % of the world 's bird species , 40000 plant species and trees crucial to limiting greenhouse gases .