
  • 网络World Books;western union - world books
  1. 对不起,请问这辆公共汽车到新世界书局吗?

    Excuse me , but could you tell me if this bus goes to the New World Book Store ?

  2. 世界书局的文学出版亦以通俗文学出版为主要特色,是中国现代通俗文学的出版重镇。

    Shijie press is the publishing center of Chinese modern popular literature , and popularity is the essential characteristic of most of its publications .

  3. 结语部分则概括了世界书局文学出版的基本特点,并择要分析了其中的原因。

    Finally , in the peroration , the anthor summarizes the essential characteristics of the literature publication of Shijie Press , and then gives the reasons .