
  • 网络six chapters of a floating life;Six Records of a Floating Life;a showy life
  1. 《浮生六记》中文化词语的翻译策略

    On Translation Strategies of Culture-Specific Concepts in Six Chapters of a Floating Life

  2. 林语堂译《浮生六记》的传神美

    The Vivid Beauty of Six Chapters of a Floating Life Translated by LIN Yu-tang

  3. 论《浮生六记》的近代化特征

    On Some Characteristics of the Modernization of Fu Sheng Liu Ji

  4. 《浮生六记》英译者林语堂是我国当代著名的文学家,翻译家。

    Lin Yutang is a famous writer and translator in modern China .

  5. 试论模糊语言在翻译中的审美再现&从林语堂之英译《浮生六记》谈起

    On the Aesthetic Realization of Fuzzy Language in Translation

  6. 林语堂翻译《浮生六记》中译者主体性的体现

    The Subjectivity Reflected in Lin Yutang 's Translation of Fu Sheng Liu Ji

  7. 而《浮生六记》就是他最得意的翻译之作。

    Among which Six Chapters of a Floating Life is considered to be his best translation .

  8. 从《浮生六记》两个英译本看意识形态对文学翻译的操控

    On the Ideological Manipulation in Literary Translation-With Reference to Two English Versions of Fu Sheng Liu Ji

  9. 林语堂;勒菲弗尔;三要素理论;浮生六记;

    Lin Yutang ; Andr é Lefevere ; the three-factor theory ; Six Chapters of a Floating Life ;

  10. 林语堂英译《浮生六记》中模糊语言的翻译策略研究

    A Study on Fuzzy Expression Translation Strategies of Six Chapters of a Floating Life Translated by Lin Yutang

  11. 林语堂翻译《浮生六记》之女性崇拜情结

    On the Feminity Worship Complex in Lin Yutan 's Translation of " The Life of a Loving Couple "

  12. 从目的论看林语堂英译《浮生六记》

    Lin Yutang s Translation of " Six Chapters of a Floating Life " from the Perspective of Skopostheory ;

  13. 他翻译的《浮生六记》是一部体现了他深厚功力的一部作品。

    The translation of Six Chapters of a Floating Life is his translation which embodies his profound translation ability .

  14. 引用了林语堂自己翻译的《浮生六记》中的译文,来论证他的翻译观点。

    His viewpoint is also demonstrated in the paper by quoting his translation in Six Chapters of A Floating Life .

  15. 女性主体与主体逾越&沈复《浮生六记》的女性主义释读

    The Feminine Subject and the Subjective Transgression & A feminist approach to Shen Fu 's Six Chapters of Floating Life

  16. 本文就从语用翻译的角度来研究林语堂先生对《浮生六记》中文化负载词的翻译。

    This thesis studies the translation of culture-loaded words in Fu Sheng Liu Ji from the angle of pragmatic translation .

  17. 林语堂的翻译思想及其英译《浮生六记》

    A tentative analysis of LIN Yu-tang s translation thoughts and his translation of Six Chapters of a Floating Life ;

  18. 从文化补偿、文化借用、文化替换三个方面对林语堂英译《浮生六记》的翻译策略及方法进行跨文化解读。

    His translation strategies and methods are disclosed from three cultural aspects , i.e , compensation , borrowing and substitution .

  19. 从《浮生六记》英译本看模糊语言的翻译策略

    On the Translation of Fuzzy Language in Lin Yutang 's English Version of " Six Chapters of a Floating Life "

  20. 英汉词汇对比与汉译英中的词汇翻译&兼评林语堂《浮生六记》英译本

    Contrast of Words in Translating Words from Chinese into English : Comment on Lin Yutang 's Translation Six Chapters of A Floating Life

  21. 19世纪问世的《浮生六记》在中国文学史上有着独特的价值和地位。

    Six Chapters of a Floating Life , published in the19th century , occupies a peculiar position in the history of Chinese literature .

  22. 文化杂合:文学翻译的第三条道路&兼评林语堂译《浮生六记》

    Cultural Hybridity : The Third Approach to Literary Translation & A Comment on Lin Yutang s Translation of Six Chapters of a Floating Life ;

  23. 对《浮生六记》中某些侧重表达功能的文化词语的翻译,译文作者采用了异化的手法以强调源语形式与风格的表达。

    As for the culture-specific concepts which emphasizethe expressive function , the translator adopts foreignization method to transfer the form and style of the source language .

  24. 本文通过透视陈芸形象的文化底蕴,探究了构成《浮生六记》夫妇之爱近代色彩的文化因子。

    This paper analyzes the cultural meaning of the modern-times love between husband and wife in Fu Sheng Liu Ji through the image of Chen Yun .

  25. 分析结果显示,在《浮生六记》英译本中,对于特定文化词语的处理,译者采取的是归化为主、异化为辅的翻译策略。

    The result of the analysis indicates that in Six Chapters of a Floating Life , domestication method predominates over the foreignization method in translating the culture-specific concepts .

  26. 大学生村官政策之法律难题及其化解试论《浮生六记》陈芸两难的文化处境

    On the Tough Legal Issue of the " Little Village Official " Policy and the Solution The cultural dilemma of Chen Yun in Six Chapters of A Floating Life

  27. 语言与文化的典例&谈林语堂英译《浮生六记》中笑之文化意蕴

    A Typical Example of Language and Culture & The Cultural Connotations of " Smile " in the Lin Yutang 's English Version of Six Chapters of a Floating Life

  28. 林语堂翻译的《浮生六记》引起西方读者的共鸣,说明作者富有创造力的表现被西方读者所接受。

    Six Chapters of a Floating Life translated by Lin Yutang causes intense resonance of western readers , which proves the acceptance of creative expression of the translator by western readers .

  29. 他一生致力于东西方文化的介绍与沟通,尤其是在弘扬中华文化方面,成绩卓著。其译本《浮生六记》是一本非常有影响力的译作。

    He devoted his life to introduce and communicate with the eastern culture and western culture , especially promoting Chinese culture to the west . And he had a great achievement .

  30. 接着,作者以《浮生六记》的三个译本为实例,从文化角度对译本进行分析和评论。

    Then , on the basis of three translated versions of Fu Shen Lin Ji , the author makes an analysis of and some comments on the translated texts from cultural perspective .