
fú diǎn shù
  • floating point number;floating number
  1. 新结构BCD浮点数算法及应用

    The New Structure BCD Floating Point Number 's Algorithm and Application

  2. CPhase()的第一个参数是(经典的)浮点数,第二个参数是一个量子位。

    CPhase () takes a ( classical ) floating point number as its first argument and a qubit as it 's second argument .

  3. C语言中浮点数输入出现异常的研究

    Discussion on the Abnormity of Float Input in C Language

  4. 将要尝试做转化,Well,float,is,going,to,try,and,do,the,cohersion。,它将试着把它转化为浮点数,如果成功,那很棒!

    Float It 's going to try and turn it into a floating point number .

  5. IBMPc微机中浮点数的存储方式与取值范围辨析

    Memory mode and number limits of floating point numbers of IBM PC

  6. 在Java程序中使用浮点数和小数充满着陷阱。

    Using floating point and decimal numbers in Java programs is fraught with pitfalls .

  7. 但是f不是已经是一个浮点数了吗?

    But isn 't f already a floating point ?

  8. 基于浮点数编码GA的T-S模型的模糊辨识方法

    Fuzzy Identification of T S Model via Float Encoding Genetic Algorithm

  9. 航迹由B样条曲线得到,以代表航迹的B样条曲线的控制顶点坐标值作为染色体的基因位进行浮点数编码。

    The flight path is obtained by a B-spline curve whose control vertexes are considered as the genes of chromosome via floating point coding .

  10. 浮点数到浮点数的转换仅当N是可表示时有定义;否则转换就是未定义行为。

    Floating to Floating conversions are defined only if N is representable ; if it is not , the conversion has undefined behavior .

  11. number(只有浮点数)、boolean和特殊的nil类型都是基本类型。

    Strings , numbers ( floating point only ), booleans , and the special nil type are basic types .

  12. 相应的选择、交叉、变异算子采用符号编码的思想,充分利用N进制浮点数的特点进行设计。

    The corresponding selection , crossover and mutation operators are designed with the theory of symbol encoding and the properties of N - decimal system floating numbers .

  13. 是的,f是一个浮点数,但是那个解决方案太迟了;,我们应该在次之前把问题解决。

    So yes , f is a float , but that solution is too late ; we need to fix the problem sooner .

  14. 常用算术转换的规则决定了C中进行整数或浮点数运算时大多数两操作数运算的结果类型。

    The usual arithmetic conversions are the rules that determine the result type of most of the two-operand operators in C when they are operating on integer or floating-point operands .

  15. NaN的无序性质使得在比较浮点数时更容易发生错误。

    The non-ordered nature of NaN adds further opportunities for error when comparing floating point numbers .

  16. 一种基于浮点数编码遗传算法的CMAC控制仿真研究

    Simulation Research on CMAC Control Using Float-encoding Genetic Algorithms

  17. HTTP内容协商使用短浮点数来表示各种可协商参数的相对重要性(或权重)。

    HTTP content negotiation uses short floating point numbers to indicate the relative importance , or weight , of various negotiable parameters .

  18. 用float来处理3,它将能完成装换,但是如果我吧这个转化为浮点数。

    I if I go over here , and I say float of three , it 's going to do the conversion .

  19. 许多设计用来读取浮点数的例程可能会允许“NaN”(非数字)这样的值。

    Many routines designed to read floats may allow values such as " NaN "( not a number ) .

  20. 浮点数表示法,含部份换轴之高斯消去法,使用矩阵大小之计算尺度调整,带状及三角对角系统,LU分解。

    Floating point representation , Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting , scaling of computations with matrix size , banded and tri-diagonal systems , LU decomposition .

  21. 其中一个构造函数以双精度浮点数作为输入,另一个以整数和换算因子作为输入,还有一个以小数的String表示作为输入。

    One takes a double-precision floating point as input , another takes an integer and a scale factor , and another takes a String representation of a decimal number .

  22. 为了克服3DDCT快速算法在计算机中必须采用浮点数计算的局限性,本文中提出了一种只用整数实行的3DDCT算法,它不仅使计算简化,更重要是避免了正反变换的不匹配问题。

    The paper proposed a integer 3D - DCT , it not only simplify the calculation , but also avoid the mismatch of tansform and Inverse transform .

  23. 卷积核对每个像元的操作只需要完成4次加法运算,无需浮点数和乘法运算,便于DSP和FPGA的实现。

    For the convolution Kernel , only four addition operations are needed for each pixel convolution . Therefore , it is promising to be fast implemented with DSP and FPGA .

  24. 通常,不同的中央处理单元(CPU)和操作环境以不同的方式存储浮点数,简单地比较期望值和实际值是无效的。

    Typically , different central processing units ( CPUs ) and operating environments store floating points differently and simple comparisons between expected and actual values don 't work .

  25. 这个类定义基本ABAP数据类型的描述,比如c(字符)、i(整数)和f(浮点数)。

    A class that defines the description of basic ABAP data types , such as c ( character ), I ( integer ), and f ( floating point ) .

  26. 程序期望查找ASCII格式的单精度浮点数;任何无关的字符都将忽略。

    The program expects to find a single floating-point number in ASCII format ; any extraneous characters will be ignored .

  27. Erlang支持基本数据类型(比如整数和浮点数)和更复杂的结构(比如元组和列表)。

    Erlang supports basic data types such as integers , floats and more complex structures , like tuples and lists .

  28. 在系统通信设计中,采用把浮点数转换成字符串形式传输的方法,解决了后台VC控制程序和纯Java服务器通信时的数据移植问题。

    And the problem of the data transplant between the Java server and the VC + + application is resolved by translating the control parameters from float types into character types in the communication .

  29. ConnectedEdition虚拟机兼容于JDK6,除了浮点数以外支持所有的Java语言特性包括注解和泛型。

    The Connected Edition VM is JDK6 compatible and , with the exception of floating point , supports the full Java language including annotations and generics .

  30. 本文简要介绍了计算机系统浮点数及浮点异常的基本概念,以IRIS工作站为例讨论了浮点异常的处理方法。

    Mechanism for handling Floating-point exception on IRIS work-station was discussed and examples were given , with an introduction of background on floating-point representation and IEEE standards for floating-point computation .