
  • 网络Relational Operator;RELATIONAL;relation operation
  1. 关系运算符生成的是一个布尔(Boolean)结果。

    Relational operators generate a boolean result .

  2. 它可以包括多个使用Python中支持的不同关系运算符的子表达式。

    It can be composed of multiple subexpressions that use the different relational operators supported in Python .

  3. 可以让选择排列生效,影响关系运算符eq、le等。

    You can put available collations in effect to impact relational operators eq , le ,, and so forth .

  4. 假设使用了一个ASCII系统,它完全等效于后跟一些内容的path/,但是,因为它只是一个关系运算符,所以它使用了索引。

    Assuming an ASCII system , this is precisely equivalent to path / followed by anything whatsoever , but because it 's just relational operators , it used the index .

  5. 小于或等于的数值关系运算符。

    Less than or equal to .

  6. 原译法:空格可以用在一个关系运算符的两边,但不能用于分隔一个双字符的运算符如=。

    Blanks can be used on either side of a relational operator , but blanks cannot be used to separate a two-character operator , such as == .

  7. 本文分析汉字平面结构特点,研究汉字的基本组成成分及其平面结构关系,提出一种用汉字符和关系运算符对汉字进行编码的方法&组合编码法。

    The plane structural characteristics of Chinese character , the basic components of Chinese character and the relations between them are studied . Based on this , a new coding method for Chinese character that is called the Combinational Coding Method is presented in this paper .