
  • 网络Relational database management system;rdbms;DBMS;RDMS;ORDBMS
  1. 关系数据库管理系统SqlServer在医院信息管理系统中的应用

    Application of RDBMS SQL SERVER in the Hospital Information System

  2. ORACLE关系数据库管理系统分析综述

    Analysis of ORACLE RDBMS

  3. 工程CAD小型关系数据库管理系统

    A Relational Database Management System of Small Type for Engineering CAD

  4. 利用POWERBUILDER开发关系数据库管理系统

    Developing Relation Database Mangement System by Power Builder

  5. DB2通用数据库是IBM公司开发推广的关系数据库管理系统产品。

    DB2 is a relational database management system that developed by IBM .

  6. DB2是功能极其强大的关系数据库管理系统(RelationalDatabaseManagementSystem,RDBMS),具有存储和管理大量数据的能力。

    DB2 is a highly powerful Relational Database Management System ( RDBMS ) with capabilities of storing and managing high volumes of data .

  7. 后台数据库采用SqlServer2000的关系数据库管理系统,在SqlServer2000中实现其自身。

    The background database adopted SQL Server 2000 's Relation Database Management System ( RDBMS ) .

  8. RationalSystemArchitect需要一个RDBMS(关系数据库管理系统)以便于其存储库去存储图表与定义。

    Rational System Architect requires an RDBMS ( relational database management system ) for its repository to store the diagrams and definitions .

  9. 它们提供了极具吸引力的界面来管理和访问数据,在许多金融、商业和Internet应用程序中,也证明关系数据库管理系统是非常成功的。

    They provide an extremely attractive interface for managing and accessing data and have proven to be wildly successful in many financial , business , and Internet applications .

  10. 结合传统的关系数据库管理系统(relationaldatabasemanagementsystem,RDBMS)访问过程,采用面向对象的编程技术提出了一种数据对象访问模型。

    A data object access model combining the object-oriented programming technique with the access process of traditional relational database management system ( RDBMS ) was put forward .

  11. 源和目标包括关系数据库管理系统、ERP系统、大型机遗留系统、XML和专用数据格式。

    Sources and targets include relational database management systems , ERP systems , mainframe legacy systems , XML , and proprietary data formats .

  12. 关系数据库管理系统(DBMS)中的表或视图。

    Tables or views in a relational database management system ( RDBMS ) .

  13. RBAC很快就被很多软件产品采用,尤其是那些关系数据库管理系统(RelationalDatabaseManagementSystems,RDBMS)。

    It has quickly been adopted by a large number of software products , and in particular by Relational Database Management Systems ( RDBMS ) .

  14. IBMInformixDynamicServer是一个完整且通用的关系数据库管理系统,具有出色的性能、高可伸缩性和低管理成本。

    IBM Informix Dynamic Server is a complete and versatile relational database management system with excellent performance , high scalability , and low administration cost .

  15. Hibernate支持所有流行的关系数据库管理系统(RDBMS)的专用语,例如DB2或者Oracle™。

    Hibernate supports dialects for all popular Relational Database Management Systems ( RDBMS ), such as DB2 or Oracle ™ .

  16. 这种工件常常存储在现有的关系数据库管理系统或文件系统中,或者由Web服务、实时数据feed或其他软件动态地生成工件。

    Such artifacts are often stored in existing relational database management systems or file systems , or the artifacts are generated dynamically by Web services , real-time data feeds , or other software .

  17. 商业关系数据库管理系统(DBMS)解决了这些问题,但是在其他方面有所欠缺。

    Commercial relational database management systems ( DBMSs ) address those issues but fall short in other areas .

  18. InformixDynamicServer是一种关系数据库管理系统,为大企业、工作组、中型甚至小型企业提供客户机/服务器处理功能。

    Informix Dynamic Server is a relational database management system designed to provide client / server processing capabilities for enterprises , workgroups , midsize businesses , and even small businesses .

  19. 关系数据库管理系统(RDBMS)是一种技术成熟、应用十分广泛的系统。

    It is used to make decision by optimizer of relational database management system ( RDBMS ) .

  20. 元数据结构化方法的例子有关系数据库管理系统(RDBMS)目录、Java库目录和XMLDTD和schema。

    Examples of structural approaches to metadata are Relational Database Management Systems ( RDBMS ) catalogs , Java library catalogs , and XML DTDs and schemas .

  21. SQLServer与SQLExpress是在平台(物理性硬件,例如工作站或者服务器)上运行的RDBMS(关系数据库管理系统)。

    SQL Server and SQL Express are RDBMS ( relational database management systems ) that run on platforms ( physical hardware , such as workstations or servers ) .

  22. 车辆调度的预约系统和RDBMS(关系数据库管理系统)必须支持多重、并发的客户会话。

    Multiple , simultaneous customer sessions must be supported in the Deals on Wheels reservation system and RDBMS .

  23. FOXPRORDBMS是一种安全性很弱的关系数据库管理系统,而一般的FOXPRO数据库应用系统除了口令字机制之外,也很少有其它的保护措施。

    For the poor security of FOXPRO RDBMS , usual FOXPRO applications do little to improve it except for password .

  24. 关系数据库管理系统RDBMS是我们数据库小组在RD&11微机上实现的。

    RDBMS is a Relational Data Base system developed by Data Base Group in Shandong University on RD-11 Microcomputer .

  25. Oracle是当前应用最为广泛的大型关系数据库管理系统,能够支持各种业务形式、并且能够处理各种复杂事务,是适用性最好的关系数据库引擎之一。

    Oracle is the most widely used large-scale database at present . It can support almost all kinds of business forms and all kinds of complex transactions .

  26. 电信资源管理系统是一个三层的、分布式的应用系统,采用J2EE体系结构,基于UNIX操作系统、TCP/IP网络协议、Sybase企业级关系数据库管理系统等先进的技术平台。

    RMS is a three layer distributed application system , which based on J2EE platform , UNIX operation system , TCP / IP network protocol and Sybase database .

  27. 以一个超市的销售模型系统为例,建立一个sales数据库系统,由关系数据库管理系统和数据仓库挖掘工具进行单维及多维关联规则挖掘。本系统的资料都储存在数据库里。

    Taking sale model system of a supermarket as an example , first create a sales database system , then mine the single-dimension and multi-dimension rule based on relation database management system and data warehouse mining tool .

  28. 与Oracle和SQLServer等其他关系数据库管理系统一样,Informix也有内部优化器,负责选择最佳的查询执行计划。

    Like other relational database management systems such as Oracle and SQL Server , Informix has its internal optimizer , which is responsible for selecting the best query execution plan .

  29. PHP与流行的开放源代码关系数据库管理系统(RDBMS)MySQL之间总是很有默契。

    PHP has always had something of a love affair with the popular open source relational database management system ( RDBMS ) known as MySQL .

  30. 另外,像关系数据库管理系统(RDBMS)一样,对象和RDF在一些方面相似而在其他方面不同。

    Again , just like relational database management systems ( RDBMS ), objects and RDF are similar in some ways and different in others .