
  • 网络KPI;kpis;key performance indicator
  1. 关键绩效指标并不是一成不变的,其归纳和应用都要适应时间和地点的改变。

    KPI is not static , its generalization and applications must adapt to changes of time and place .

  2. 公司的关键绩效指标会在年度报告中予以说明。

    A company 's KPIs will be stated in its annual report .

  3. 构建政府绩效指标的几个要求&平衡记分卡特征的启示本文研究的主要内容为关键绩效指标(KeyPerformanceIndicators)管理体系在中层管理人员中的应用。

    Several Requirements of Building Government Performance Indicators The theme is about the application of Key Performance Indicators to the performance management of middle managers .

  4. CK公司基于关键绩效指标的全面绩效管理研究

    A Study on the KPI-based Comprehensive Performance Management of CK Company

  5. 关键绩效指标(KPI)设计思想及实例

    Design Thought and Examples on Key Performance Indicator

  6. 进行了KPI的设计和选择,确立了适合自身特点的关键绩效指标考核体系。

    Then KPI is designed and key indexes of performance assess system are established .

  7. 在现代企业管理中,关键绩效指标(KPI)管理已经受到普遍重视。

    The management of KPI has been valued a lot in modern business management .

  8. 绩效指标:尽管本文中没有提到,但通过使用BPEL可在流程中嵌入关键绩效指标(KeyPerformanceIndicator,KPI)。

    Performance indicators : Although not mentioned in this article , the use of BPEL enables key performance indicators ( KPIs ) to be embedded within the process .

  9. 借助关键绩效指标(KPI)以及平衡记分的思想,初步建立了研发团队的绩效考核指标体系;

    The basic performance indicators system is established under the help of KPI and balanced score theory .

  10. 关键绩效指标(KPI,KeyPerformanceIndicators)的方法已日益被越来越多的企业在实施绩效考核时所采用。

    The KPI ( Key Performance Indicators ) method is more and more adopted when the enterprise put performance measurement in practice increasingly . All of those owe to the two distinct characters of KPI .

  11. CBM讨论战略业务体系结构元素,如目标、关键绩效指标(KPI)和业务流程。

    CBM looks at strategic business architecture elements , such as goals , key performance indicators ( KPIs ), and business processes .

  12. 指示板倾向于显示可度量的一些指标,在商界通常就是指所谓的关键绩效指标(KPI)。

    Dashboards tend to present things that are measurable , which are typically denoted in business circles as key performance indicators .

  13. 使用事件中的信息更新高级模型中的度量标准和关键绩效指标(KPI)。

    Update the metrics and key performance indicators ( KPIs ) in the high-level model with the information from the event .

  14. 该体系着眼于H医院的整体目标,根据目标确定关键绩效指标,之后确定部门指标,最后确定关键岗位的指标。

    With a view of the recent target , this system follows a step-by-step analyzing sequence : establishing Key Performance Indicators according to the recent target , then ascertaining department indicators , finally deciding indicators for key positions .

  15. 提出了对绩效管理关键绩效指标(KPI)的确定中挖掘最大频繁集的一种方法。

    This paper proposes a method for mining maximal frequent sets to specify the Key Performance Index ( KPI ) in performance management .

  16. 然后提出了以关键绩效指标法(KPI),360度绩效评价法、平衡计分卡(BSC)为指导的评价指标体系和权重体系。

    Then , it puts forwards evaluating system and weighing system under the guidance of key performance indicators , 360-degree evaluation method and balanced Scorecard method .

  17. 业务活动监控(BAM)支持业务为中心的关键绩效指标(KPI)定义,使用仪表盘实现接近于实时的KPI计算与展现。

    Business activity monitoring ( BAM ) supporting definition of business-centric key performance indicators ( KPIs ), near-real time KPIs calculation and presentation using dashboards .

  18. 在设计过程中采用系统的绩效考核技术&关键绩效指标法(KPI),建立考核指标体系。

    During the design , the paper uses Key Performance Indicators ( KPI ) , a systematic performance appraisal skill , to set up appraisal indicators system .

  19. 简要论述关键绩效指标(KPI)的设计思想,针对当前面临的问题,提出解决思路及办法。

    This text briefly discusses the design thought of the key performance indicator ( KPI ) and puts forward the solving thinking and way aimed at the current problems .

  20. 论文主要借鉴了国外绩效考核的最新成果&平衡积分卡(BSC)以及关键绩效指标(KPI)考核技术。

    The thesis has drawn lessons from the newest achievement the of foreign performance evaluation mainly - The Balanced Scorecard ( BSC ) and Key Performance Indicators ( KPI ) .

  21. 文章以KN涂料公司为例来分析大客户经理如何进行绩效考核及如何构建大客户经理的关键绩效指标考核体系。

    This test has analyzed how to evaluate the performance of key customer manager and how to construct the KPI system of key customer manager in KN coating company .

  22. 这项体系非常类似于商学院所教授的、用于评估企业管理层的关键绩效指标,它试图使官员们在以往所强调的GDP增长和引进外资目标等政策领域之外,致力于可衡量的结果。

    Much like the key performance indicators taught at business schools to assess executives , the system seeks to make officials work for measurable results in policy areas beyond the gross domestic product growth and foreign investment targets stressed in the past .

  23. 以工作分析为基础,综合关键绩效指标法(KPI)、360度方法等,构建了中层管理人员定量与定性评价相结合的绩效考评实施框架。

    A quantitative appraisal and qualitative evaluation performance appraisal system of middle management have been established on the base of work analysis combining with Key Performance Index , 360-degree feedback , etc.

  24. 以KPI(关键绩效指标)为核心的企业绩效考核体系是指在科学、合理地界定KPI基础上实现绩效考核目标的过程。

    The KPI ( key performance indicators ) as the core of the enterprise performance evaluation system is a scientific and reasonable definition of performance appraisal based on the KPI goal .

  25. 关键绩效指标(KPI)体系是一种战略导向的先进的企业绩效管理方法。

    Key Performance Indicators ( KPI ) is a kind of strategy - oriented and advanced performance appraising method that is increasingly taken into account by more and more business managers .

  26. 关键绩效指标法(KPI)是绩效考核的一种量化的管理指标,它把企业的战略目标分解为一系列具体可操作的工作目标。

    The Key performance indicators ( KPI ) are the quantitative management indicators in performance appraisal , which decomposed into a series of specific operational objectives of the enterprise strategic goal .

  27. 关键绩效指标(KPI)是一些业务衡量指标,Lombardi将在运行时跟踪这些指标,存储可用于在Optimizer中分析流程和任务绩效的结果。

    Key performance indicators ( KPIs ) are business measurements that Lombardi tracks at runtime , storing results that you can use to analyze process and task performance in the Optimizer .

  28. 本研究的核心内容是从职位分析入手,运用KPI(关键绩效指标)绩效考核方法,设计刑侦民警绩效考核指标体系。

    The core chapter of this study starts from the job analysis , using KPI ( Key Performance Indicators ) performance assessment methods , designing performance evaluation index system of criminal investigation police .

  29. 针对绩效管理体系存在问题,建议XX公司完善部门关键绩效指标体系。第三、采用平衡计分卡的核心思想对XX公司部门绩效管理体系进行优化。

    Problems for the performance management system , the proposed department of XX company improve key performance indicators system . Third , the core idea of using the Balanced Scorecard performance management system XX corporate sector to optimize .

  30. 在研究绩效管理与战略实施的关系方面,平衡计分卡(BSC)和关键绩效指标(KPI)被广为关注。

    In the aspect of the research on the relationship between performance management and the execution of strategy , wide attention has been paid to Balanced Scorecard ( BSC ) and Key Performance Indicator ( KPI ) .