
hé zī jīng yíng
  • joint venture
合资经营[hé zī jīng yíng]
  1. 建议取消以三资企业法为主体的外资法群,将合资经营直接规定于统一的外资法典的投资形式一章,而合资经营的具体法律形式,则交由相应的国内部门法调整。

    Hereby we 'd better cancel the group of foreign investment law and stipulate joint venture directly in the chapter of the form of investment under the unified foreign investment code . The concrete legal form of joint venture then adjusted by the corresponding domestic law .

  2. F公司成立于1991年,它是我国与国外某知名汽车品牌合资经营的大型乘用车生产企业,也是我国第一个按经济规模起步建设的现代化乘用车工业基地。

    F company was founded in 1991 , and it is a famous joint venture of large vehicle production enterprise with a foreign Auto Firm . It is the first passenger car industry base according to the modern economic .

  3. 第八十五条中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业、外资企业使用土地的,适用本法;

    Article 85 This law applies to the use of land by Sino-foreign joint and cooperative ventures , and wholly foreign-owned enterprises .

  4. 签订中外合资经营企业合同中的几个问题

    Some Points for Attention in Signing Contracts for Joint Venture Enterprises

  5. 合资经营,或双方认为适宜的其它方式。

    Joint ventures or other suitable forms decides by both sides .

  6. 团体机构也可以建立合伙关系合资经营。

    Organisations can also enter into partnerships to undertake joint ventures .

  7. 合资经营的优惠条件空运企业和经营人文件

    Favourable conditions of running joint venture airline and operators ' documents

  8. 论中外合资经营企业注册资本制度的完善

    On Perfecting the Capital Registration System of Sino - foreign Joint Ventures

  9. 租金不分摊共同海损分摊成本的合资经营

    Hire not to Contribute to General Average cost-sharing joint ventures

  10. 我来是为了商谈合资经营的可能性。

    Ive come to talk about the feasibility of a joint venture .

  11. 你们合资经营的条件是什么?

    What be your term and condition on joint participation ?

  12. 我们有补偿贸易和合资经营。

    193we have new methods like compe ation trade and joint ventrue .

  13. 还有两种是投资银行和合资经营。

    Two others we might consider are investment banks and joint ventures .

  14. 在交叉文化影响下中外合资经营企业管理有效性的若干重要问题分析

    The Effectiveness of Sino-Foreign Joint-Venture Management in the Cross-Cultural Context

  15. 可以合资经营嘛,共同得利嘛。

    We could have a joint venture that would profit both sides .

  16. 请您看一下有关合资经营的具体条款。

    Please , have a look at the detailed terms on joint participation .

  17. 我并不喜欢合资经营。

    A joint venture doesn 't appeal to me .

  18. 用交易费用理论对合资经营方式的一种解释

    An Explanation for Joint Ventures Using Transaction Cost Theory

  19. 我将和您谈谈合资经营问题。

    I 'm going to discuss with you the question of joint venture .

  20. 中外合资经营企业若干法律问题探讨

    Some Legal Problems Concerning the Business Law of Joint-Ventures

  21. 我们相信合资经营的前景是乐观的。

    We believe that we 'll have an optimistic future in joint venture .

  22. 我们同意和贵方合资经营中国工艺品。

    We agree to joint participation with you on Chinese art and craft .

  23. 我认为合资经营对双方都是有利的。

    194i think a joint venture would be beneficial to both of us .

  24. 中外合资经营运辆企业的可行性研究

    A Feasibility Study of the Transportation Company on Chinese and Foreign Joint Management

  25. 我们正在考虑和你们公司合资经营一起卖中国工艺品。

    We are thinking of a joint venture with you in selling Chinese arts .

  26. 如果你们愿意做合资经营,请提出你的方案。

    195 Please give us your proposal if you ' 're ready for that .

  27. 电子港湾上销售,与超级卖家作合资经营?电子港湾45亿美元。

    Sell on e-bay , JV with power sellers ? E-bay $ 4.5 billion .

  28. 合资经营的投资会计和报告

    Accounting and reporting for investments in joint ventures

  29. 您能不能再向我介绍一下合资经营的细则?

    Could you tell me the details about establishing and running a joint venture ?

  30. 中外合资经营企业章程参考格式

    Reference Form for Articles of Association for Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment