
hé tonɡ qī
  • contract period;contract term
  1. 在合同期内,测量应每年进行一次。

    Measurements shall be repeated once a year during the contract period .

  2. 成功的申请人将被授予合同期内的初始教学1~3年。

    Successful applicants will be awarded an initial teaching contract period of1 to3 years .

  3. 胡乔:我们的合同期有多长?

    Joe Ho : How long would our contract be for ?

  4. 中介方提供的服务期与合同期一致。

    The service of intermediary is available during the contract period .

  5. 合同期不到一年的定期任用工作人员;

    Staff members holding fixed term appointments of less than one year ;

  6. 合同期前救济制度的比较研究

    Comparative Studies of the Remedy Systems before Performance of Contract

  7. 合同期:合同期为三年,从入职第一天开始计算。

    The contract period is three years from commencement date .

  8. 合同期前利益保护研究

    Research on the Protection of Contract Benefits before Performance

  9. 一些工人已超过其合同期了。

    Some of the workers have overstayed their contracts .

  10. 已同意租赁合同期为25年。

    It has been agreed that the lease will run for twenty - five years .

  11. 受聘方在合同期内请病假,工资按课时费扣除。

    The salary of Party B will be deducted on the basis of the period .

  12. 在合同期内经甲乙双方协商一致,可以变更或解除本合同。

    1If both parties mutually agree through negotiations , the contract can be changed or cancelled .

  13. 一旦他的合同期终止,他就成了自由人,可以和任何队去商谈。

    Once his contract expired he became a free agent and could negotiate with any team .

  14. 在合同期,俱乐部获得人力资本产生的所有剩余价值。

    During the contract period , club acquires all the surplus value produced by human capital .

  15. 25岁的他不久前拒绝了武汉某公司提供的信息技术工程师职位,因为合同期长达4年。

    The 25-year-old recently turned down a four-year contract as an IT technician at a Wuhan-based company .

  16. 在合同期结束时,此类车辆将归还给承包商。

    At the end of the contract period the vehicles will be handed back to the contractor .

  17. 这家公司待我很差,我想离开但合同期未满。

    The company is treating me badly and I want to quit but have not finished the contract .

  18. 他确认他将会开始讨论延长他的合同期,但是这些事情正在进行中。

    He admits talks have started about an extension of contract , but that they 've yet to progress .

  19. 合同期内,甲方不得将该单元出租给任何其他第三方。

    Party A shall not rent the Premises or part of it to any third party within the valid term .

  20. 我想向老板要求两点,第一是涨工资,其次是延长合同期。

    I want two things from my boss & firstly , a pay rise , and secondly , a longer contract .

  21. 同时,也有机会减少开关、导线的安装及简化布置。这种照明策略可以缩短合同期从而使得使用期提前。

    At the same time , there is an opportunity to install fewer switch drops , reducing cabling and simplifying fitting-out .

  22. 为了保障外籍教师生活安全,顺利完成在合同期内的教学工作,特制定本条例。

    This regulation is to guarantee the safety of foreign teachers and the fulfilling of the teaching assignment according to the Contract .

  23. 如何管理工程的进度,使得项目在合同期内完成这个问题常常困扰着企业管理者。

    How to manage the progress of a project , making the project be completed during the contract period often perplex business managers .

  24. 业主应该准备好使用的工地和确保承包人可以在合同期内自由且不受打扰进出工地。

    The Owner shall make available the Site and grant the Contractor free and uninterrupted access thereto throughout the duration of this Contract .

  25. 合同期内发生的其它费用在乙方提供服务完毕后5个工作日内,由甲方向乙方一次性支付。

    Other expenses occurred in the period of this contract should be totally paid by Party A to Party B in5 effective working days .

  26. 评价和分析的结果,为剩余合同期的管理经营决策和投资决策提供支持。

    The results of evaluation and analysis can provide assistance for managerial and operational decision-making and investment decision-making in remaining period of the contract .

  27. 一旦被录用为员工(非志愿者或实习生),合同期可能从数月到几年不等。

    If you are recruited as an employee ( rather than a volunteer or intern ), contracts range from a few months to years .

  28. 总理也好,财长等内阁部长们也好,只不过是三年合同期的为全体选民的打工仔。

    Prime Minister Ye Hao , Finance Minister and other cabinet ministers have only a three-year contract for the electorate of the wage earners .

  29. 据报道,所幸只有3.3%的人对他们的职业生涯表现出极度不满并想要在合同期结束后尽快离开。

    Fortunately , only 3.3percent reported to be extremely dissatisfied with their professional lives , andwanted to leave as soon as their contracts terminated .

  30. 怎么说呢,在合同期内设定见习期、试用期的做法,原则上是可以的。

    How to say , closing the practice of novitiate of the set inside the corresponding period , probation , in principle is possible .