
  • 网络emergency mode;emergency
  1. 应急状态下的医疗物资保障工作体会

    Experience of Guaranteeing Medical Supplies in the State of Emergency

  2. 集群无线移动通信系统在电力系统应急状态下的应用

    Applications of Emergency Electric-power Telecommunication with Wireless Mobile Communication Systems

  3. RD巾的5-HT能神经元在正常情况下可能不参与或很少参与生理活动,只有在较强烈的应急状态下才开始被启动。

    The5-HT neurons of RD in normal circumstances may not participate or rarely participate in physical activities and only was activated in the more strongly state of stress .

  4. 电机场路结构设计、控制器主回路换流模式设计、TMS320F240最小系统设计、程序设计充分考虑了故障应急状态下系统正常运行必要条件。

    Designs on motor field and structure , controller main circuit current commuting mode design , TMS320F240 least system and system program consider system normal operation under fault condition fully .

  5. 应急状态下海洋溢油源鉴别的应用研究

    Identification of spilled oil sources on sea at emergent state

  6. 必须保持良好的应急状态。

    It must be ready in an emergency condition .

  7. 这种管理模式往往使我们处于被动的应急状态。

    This management is often put us in a passive state of emergency .

  8. 基于模拟器的驾驶员应急状态下刹车反应时间的研究

    Study on the driver critical reaction time in a braking response upon driver simulator

  9. 防喷器及控制系统要始终保持良好的应急状态。

    The BOP and the control system must always be ready in an emergency condition .

  10. 应急状态下的事故评价包括事故状态评估和事故后果估算。

    The accident assessment under emergency situation includes the accident status evaluation and its consequence estimation .

  11. 现在应急状态早已过去,但这些应急政策依然在使用。

    The emergency is long over , and yet the policies are still on emergency settings .

  12. 建议应急状态分为三级,即应急待命、厂房应急和场区应急。

    Three emergency grades are proposed : namely , emergency standby , plant emergency and site emergency .

  13. 以及对行政应急状态下的政府信息公开的域外考察。

    And the state of emergency on the administration of open government information under the Foreign Investigation .

  14. 通信集成快反平台设计的指导思想是平战结合,本系统包括日常办公和应急状态两种使用模式。

    Rapid-response communications integrated platform includes routine office and a state of emergency two kinds of usage patterns .

  15. 此外,利用图论理论也研究了在应急状态下基于大系统分割的阻隔策略。

    Furthermore , based on graph theory , the islanding problems of large system under emergency are also investigated .

  16. 应急状态下教师的角色冲突及行为分析&由汶川大地震所引发的思考

    Analysis of Conflicts of Teachers ' Roles and Behaviors in Case of Emergency & Inspiration from the Wenchuan Earthquake

  17. 情况不断恶化,美国政府已宣布整个海湾沿岸处于公众卫生应急状态。

    With conditions still deteriorating , the US government has declared a public health emergency along the entire Gulf coast .

  18. 武警部队运输零部件库存模型建立与应急状态应用研究

    The Spare Part Inventory Model Establishment and Applied Research of Emergency State on the Armed Police Transports Under the Logistics Distribution Safeguard Pattern

  19. 重点分成三个部分,探讨以下内容:第一部分对行政应急状态中的政府信息公开制度进行阐释。

    Focus is divided into three parts , of the following : The first part of the administrative state of emergency in the interpretation of government information disclosure system .

  20. 确认终止时机,应急状态终止,根据有关指示和实际情况,继续环境监测,直至应急过程后其它补救措施无需继续进行为止。

    Confirming the terminated opportunity and continue the environmental monitoring by the related instruction and the actual situation . This process up to the remedial treatment does not need to continue to carry on .

  21. 目的了解基层医院的抢救车管理工作中存在问题,分析原因,寻找科学、有效的管理方法,保证抢救车处于完好应急状态。

    Objective To understand problems existing in aid cart management in grass roots hospitals , analyze causes , seek scientific and effective management methods and ensure aid cart kept in good state and ready for emergency .

  22. 本文设计的数据安全传输系统主要应用于导航信息的安全传输,在应急状态下的快速安全通信和为各种部队指挥提供信息传输的安全保障。

    In this paper , the security data transmission system designed is mainly used in the security of the navigation information transmission , and an emergency of rapid communication and security forces for a variety of command and transmission of information security .

  23. 针对这些问题,方案均提出了应对方式。做好突发事件应急响应状态下对老年人的服务保障,包括完善“健康码”管理便利老年人通行、保障居家老年人基本服务需要。

    Improvements will include securing elderly services in emergencies , including optimizing the health screening procedure that requires health codes produced with mobile applications before entering public places , and offering basic services to senior citizens staying at home .

  24. 在应急管理状态下,通过实施及时正确的预控对策可以促使生产系统恢复到正常生产状态,失败的后果可能发生重大或重特大事故。

    In the state of emergency management , through the implementation of timely and correct pre-control measures can promote the production system to return to normal production status , but the consequences of failure may cause significant of serious accidents .

  25. 工作于应急离机状态的弹射救生装置是一个复杂的动态系统,其工作环境复杂、不确定因素多。

    Aircrew escape system is a complex dynamic system with complex working condition and a lot of uncertain factors .

  26. 前言:目的:分析探讨大学生考试前的应急行为和心理状态对冠周炎发病率的影响。

    Purpose : To analyze and discuss the influence of college students stress and mental status before examinations on the incidence rate of pericoronitis .

  27. 核舰船核事故应急体系中的海上应急状态

    The Maritime Emergency Status in Case of Nuclear Accidents aboard Nuclear-Powered Ships

  28. 目的:探讨在核舰船核事故应急体系中把海上应急状态划分为第四级(类)的可行性。

    Results : A profile was made pertaining to maritime emergency status in case of nuclear accidents .

  29. 应急行动水平(EAL)是用作应急状态分级的技术准则或参数。

    Emergency action level ( EAL ) technical criteria or parameters for emergency conditions classes .

  30. 可根据用户要求配装应急装置,当外界断时,灯具自动切换到应急照明状态。

    Emergency device is available to install as required , in case of power cutting , in case of power cutting , lamp can be self-switched on .