
  1. 党员领导干部要带头体现先进性

    Leading Cadres of the Party Should Take the Lead in Progressiveness

  2. 简论德性在提高党员领导干部执政能力中的地位和作用

    Discussion of the Status and Function of Carrying Ability of Cadres

  3. 党员领导干部要做党性修养的表率

    Leading Cadres of Party Members Should Set Good Examples in Party-Spirit Cultivation

  4. 党员领导干部是党员的先锋队。

    Leading cadres of Party members are the vanguard of Panty members .

  5. 党员领导干部要当好“三个代表”的领头人

    Party leader should act as pioneers of " the three representatives "

  6. 新时期加强党员领导干部道德建设的紧迫性和重要性

    The Urgency and Importance for Enforcing the Leaders ' Moral Construction in the New Epoch

  7. 基层党员领导干部执政能力评价结构研究

    A Research on Structures of Appraisal of Administrating Capacity of Fundamental Leading Carders of CCP

  8. 党员领导干部必须高度重视党性修养

    Great Emphasis on Understanding of Party Spirit on the Part of Party Members in Leading Group

  9. 新形势下,一些党员领导干部文风不正的现象严重。

    In the new situations , the improper styles of writing of some leading Party cadres are severe .

  10. 按照先进性建设,要求加强党员领导干部的党性锻炼

    Cultivating the Party Spirit of the Leading Officials of the CPC According to the Advanced Nature of the CPC

  11. 这对党员领导干部的马克思主义理论素养提出了更高要求。

    Which put forward higher requirements to the leading cadres who are the party member about their marxism theory quality .

  12. 新环境、新任务、新问题向党员领导干部提出了加强党性的新要求。

    The new environment , new task and new issues put forward new requirements of strengthening party spirit to party 's leaderships .

  13. 执政能力评价是一个崭新的研究课题,现阶段构建合理的党员领导干部执政能力评价模型具有非常重要理论研究价值与实际应用价值。

    Appraisal of administrating capacity is a flourishing field of research . Constructing reasonable model of Appraisal of administrating capacity has great theoretical and practical significance .

  14. 党员领导干部应该从端正党风的高度来认识改进自身文风建设的重要性和紧迫性。

    The leading Party cadres should realize the importance and urgency in improving the construction of the style of writing from the height of improving party conduct .

  15. 从加强理想信念、党的宗旨、组织纪律等三方面的修养,阐述了党员领导干部做表率的实施途径。

    Besides , the article also demonstrates the performing ways of setting examples of leading cadres by strengthening ideological belief , aim and organizing principles of the Party .

  16. 党校图书馆为党员领导干部素质提高、辅助领导决策和学习型政党建设提供了必要的信息资源和服务。

    The library of the Party school provides the necessary information resources and services for improvement of the leading cadres ' quality , support decision-making and learning party construction .

  17. 不同年龄阶段的党员领导干部在学习创新能力、执政为民能力、沟通协调能力、战略决策能力和依法执政能力五评价维度上存在显著性差异;

    Carders of different ages show significant differences in dimensions of study and innovation , communication and coordination , administration for people , comprehensive decision and administration by law .

  18. 这三个方面的形象塑造好了,党员领导干部才能适应新形势新任务的要求,在群众中的形象才会高大起来。

    Only when the three characters are well moulded can the Party leader face the new demands of the new situation and task , thus growing as a Party leader .

  19. 党员领导干部在建设社会主义新的征途中发挥出的先锋模范作用:一是抓好乡镇建设部门作风建设;

    The leadership of the party members and cadres in building a new socialist countryside journey to play a vanguard and exemplary role : First , the township construction work style ;

  20. 加强党员领导干部思想道德修养是当前党员领导干部自身状况提出的迫切要求,党员领导干部的思想道德修养关系到党的领导,党员领导干部的思想道德在以德治国中起着决定作用。

    The present situation of party leaders and cadres urgently demands the reinforcement of their cultivation of their ideology and morality , which plays a decisive role in the running of a state .

  21. 党员领导干部要适应党性修养的新要求,就必须切实加强理论学习,树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观;

    If party leaderships want to adapt themselves to the new requirement of party spirit 's mastery , they must reinforce theoretic study , set up correct world outline , life outline and values ;

  22. 作为党员领导干部,在认真学习领会其精神实质的同时,必须严格地贯彻执行,以不断提高自身修养,永远保持人民公仆的本色。

    As leading cadres of the party , we should study and grasp the spirit seriously , at same time strictly implement it , improve the accomplishment of us constantly , keep inherent qualities of public servant .

  23. 党内监督,是保持党的执政地位和先进性的必然要求,其实质是对党的领导机关和党员领导干部的监督;

    CPC 's interior supervision is a must for CPC to maintain its ruling status and its advantage . Its essence is to supervise the leading body of the Party as well as the leading cadre of the Party member .

  24. 微观角度也就是围绕个别党员和个别领导干部来论述的。

    Microscopic point of view is about individual members and individual leaders .

  25. 党员尤其是领导干部应自觉学习老一辈革命家的崇高品格,在践行社会主义核心价值体系中发挥应有的作用。

    There exists the inherent relation between the excellent characters of old revolutionaries and the construction of nucleus socialist values .

  26. 他要求党员特别是领导干部向红军党员学习,全心全意地为人民服务。

    He asked the party members , especially leading cadres , to learn from the party members in the Red Army and serve the people wholeheartedly .

  27. 加强党的作风建设,最重要的是要从每个党员、尤其是党员领导干部做起。

    In constructing the Party 's style the most important thing to do is that all Party members , especially those in leading positions , behave themselves with rules and disciplines .