- 名drill ship

Some costs have risen even more : a deep-water drill ship might have cost $ 125,000 per day to rent four years ago . Today it goes for more than $ 600,000 per day – if you can find one .
Vessel Motion Simulation Based on Wave Spectrum and Drilling Vessel RAO
The basic information of the drillship is described and the 3D numeric sample ship is built in the CATIA software . 3 .
Analysis and Handling of Errors During Stress Measurement of Drilling Platform
The Feasibility Study of Crude Oil Storage in Underwater Rig Mat
Influence of Pile Shoe Pulling Out on Fundation of Bucket Foundation Platform
An Analysis of the Shipwreck of Glomar Java Sea
Strength Testing & Analysis on Crane Base and Support Structure in a Drilling Ship
The programming for the anchoring of the drilling ship and navigation locating of the rig
Some technical problems in measurement of drillships
Code for mobile offshore drilling units floating structure ( excl. vessels and drilling or production platforms )
Steel with lamellar tear resistance is used in oil drilling ships and crude oil production platforms .
This program helps the drilling ship to cast anchors and locate the rig by the aid of color display .
The operation can be done on platform without drilling ship , the acid flowback is also be treated by original ESP.
19 A clubhouse built on a floating barge is gaily decorated , and crowded with revelers ; the water reflects its lights .
Calculation of Penetration Depth of Jack-up Leg Footing The Causes and Countermeasures of Pile Footing Accidents in Karst Region of Guangzhou North Suburb
In pile foundation of the rig drilling ship had the potential danger of punch throngh when the working ship meeting sand clay layered foundation .
The effect of drilling vessel motion , top tension and wall thickness of the riser joint on fatigue damage of drilling riser is mainly investigated .
In the deep water and bad surrounding ocean , it is very important that the anchor system severed as the located equipment of the platform or drilling boat .
List the semi-submerged platform and drill-ship that equipped dual derrick , also the main form of dual derrick . Select the proper topology structure and finish initial setting of parameters .
An approach is proposed for calculating the nonlinear dynamic response of deepwater drilling risers subjected to random wave and vessel motion with finite element solver ABAQUS / Aqua in time domain .
As the main tool to the exploration of the energy under the sea , due to it is made of steel , the drill boat suffers seriously corrosion in the atmosphere of sea environment .
On Monday night , as the kulluk was being towed back to Seattle during a severe winter storm , the drilling vessel broke free from a tow line and ran aground on an uninhabited island .
It is proposed in this paper some measures of engineering significance according to some real problems encountered during field measurement of " Gang Hal 1 " drilling platform . The results show these measures are effective .
There are some nickel complex compounds in the waste liquid of electroless nickel deposition . Oil-polluted water and oil mixtures from offshore oil rigs , drilling platforms and oil extraction platforms may not be directly discharged into the sea .
The first step in dynamic analysis of the hung-off riser is to determine the vessel heave motion . The calculation of the maximum permissible sea state for a drilling riser string in a hard hang-off configuration is generally based on a criterion of no compressive loading .
The expensive deepwater drillship , which has a quite complex structure because of its large openings , moonpool , always works in deep sea area in which the ocean environment is very severe . Severe casualties and great property losses will be caused in case of an accident .
Continued technological advances are pushing the rated depth of underwater operation and drilling capacity to record highs .
There were 103 semi-submersible and 33 submersible deep-water drilling vessels in the world by early July , 2006 , located primarily in the Gulf of Mexico , the North Sea and offshore Brazil and West Africa .
Both drilling ship design and offshore oil field exploration program are directly affected by the design of drilling riser .