
  • 网络footage
  1. 合理的钻头选型可以明显提高机械钻速和获取更多的钻井进尺,是实现优化钻井的关键技术之一。

    Correct bit selection is one of the key techniques that can improve both the drilling rate and footage largely increased .

  2. 钻井进尺的增加必然导致相应的材料需求增加,特别是油田化学品消费需求与钻井进尺呈正相关的关系。

    Increasing of drilling footage will surely increase the demands for corresponding materials , especially that consumption demands for oilfield chemical products are positively correlated with the drilling footage .

  3. 钻井进尺测量电路的防振措施

    Measure of preventing vibration in the circuit determining drilling footage

  4. 减少地震工程中的测量工程量、钻井进尺是提高地震勘探效益的其他途径。

    Cutting down of survey workload in seismic engineering and the drilling footages might be another methods to uplift the benefit of seismic exploration .

  5. 在研究勘探总成本的变动中,可以按区块、承包方式和井别进行简单分组,分别研究钻井进尺和平均成本对勘探总成本的影响。

    The total costs of oilfield exploration can be divided , according to exploratory area , contract method , and the type of well , into simple groups in order to evaluate separately the influence of drilling footage and average unit cost on the total costs .

  6. 为满足快速发展的需要,钻井的进尺增长速度必须安全、稳步提高才能实现公司的发展目标。

    In order to meet the fast-developing need , the well drilling should be improved the safe and footage growth rate and can just realize the goal of development of the company .

  7. 该预测模型表明钻井成本与钻井进尺和钻井周期呈指数关系。

    This forecast model shows that there exists exponential relation between the drilling cost and the footage and the cycle respectively .

  8. 为此,采用实证研究方法,针对油气钻井作业的过程提出两个假设:①钻井作业成本与钻井进尺呈一定的比例关系;②钻井作业成本与钻井周期呈一定的比例关系。

    Therefore , a positive research method was a-dopted to put forward two hypotheses during the oil and gas drilling works , i. e. a certain relation existed between operation 's cost and drilling footage and cycle respectively .

  9. 胜利石油管理局海洋钻井公司23年来,在渤海湾4870km2的海域内,已打井348口,完成钻井进尺737866m。

    A total of 348 wells and an overall footage of 737,866 m have been drilled by the Offshore Company of Shengli over the 23 years .