
zuàn shí kuànɡ
  • diamond mine
  1. 简•朱伯特(JanJoubert,见右图)参加过非洲一些最危险的战争,训练过总统的贴身保镖(以防范刺杀活动),也顶着叛军威胁的压力经营过钻石矿。

    Jan Joubert has fought in some of Africa 's nastiest wars , trained presidential bodyguards to scupper assassination attempts and run a diamond mine in the face of rebel threat .

  2. 在过去6个月中,该公司已处置了几处非核心资产,其中包括位于加拿大的ekati钻石矿。

    It has disposed of several non-core assets over the past six months , including the Ekati diamond mine in Canada .

  3. 总部位于卢森堡、全球最大的工业人造金刚石生产商ElementSix,是另一家希望学习中国低成本生产经验的公司。南非钻石矿商戴比尔斯(DeBeers)持有ElementSix部分股权。

    Luxembourg-based Element Six , the world 's biggest maker of artificial diamonds used in industry , which is part owned by De Beers , the South African diamond miner , is another company trying to learn from China 's experiences in low-cost production .

  4. 此外,力拓还表示,它将在Argyle钻石矿裁撤岗位,削减成本。Argyle因出产稀有的粉钻闻名。

    Rio Tinto meanwhile said it will trim jobs and cut costs at its Argyle mine , famed for its rare pink diamonds .

  5. 尽管钻石矿几经易手,但朱伯特的地位始终岿然不动。他曾多年担任Koidu控股(KoiduHoldings)的首席执行官。

    While mine ownership has changed hands several times , Mr Joubert has been a constant figure . For years he was chief executive of Koidu Holdings ;

  6. 他曾在内战期间帮助保卫Koidu钻石矿,在2002年战争结束时又帮助重建它。

    He helped safeguard the Koidu mine during the civil war and rebuilt it when the war ended in 2002 .

  7. 战争结束时,Koidu钻石矿已关闭了5年,而且已被叛军糟蹋得不成样子。

    By then the mine had been closed for five years and had suffered badly at the hands of the rebels .

  8. 但自那以后,除了津巴布韦的Marange钻石矿,再没有发现同等规模的新矿。Marange可能成为下一个特大型矿床,前提是津巴布韦的法律与秩序得以恢复。

    Since then nothing comparable has been found , except for the Marange diamond field in Zimbabwe , which could be the next bonanza deposit if law and order returned to the country .

  9. 18年过去了,现年44岁的朱伯特如今仍在这个西非国家工作。在他的领导下,在长达11年的塞拉利昂内战(于2002年结束)中一度被洗劫和烧毁的塞拉利昂Koidu钻石矿起死回生。

    Eighteen years later , the 44-year-old still works in the west African country , where he has led a turnround at Koidu diamond mine , once ransacked and burnt during the 11-year civil war that ended in 2002 .

  10. 这座钻石矿完全是偶然发现的。

    Chance led to the finding of the diamond mine .

  11. 据悉,乌达奇纳亚钻石矿是于1955年被发现,现已被挖掘600米深

    The mine was discovered in 1955 and is over 600 meters deep

  12. 库利南钻石矿被认为是世界上最重要的钻石矿。

    The Cullinan mine is recognised as the most important diamond mine in the world .

  13. 然而他却需要钱,于是他便开始对邻国塞拉利昂的钻石矿打起了如意算盘。

    But he needed money , so the lucrative diamond mines in neighbouring Sierra Leone beckoned .

  14. 另外,他还想扩建这个他耗费了多年心血的钻石矿。

    He also wanted to expand the mine that he had spent years of his life developing .

  15. 尽管钻石矿几经易手,但朱伯特的地位始终岿然不动。

    While mine ownership has changed hands several times , Mr Joubert has been a constant figure .

  16. 看看人家,开头是两个肩膀扛一个脑袋,结果几个钻石矿到手了!

    There was a man started with the clothes on his back and ended up with diamond mines !

  17. 根本没有什么钻石矿,你爸爸的朋友带着他所有的钱跑了。

    There were no diamond mines , and your father 's friend ran away with all his money .

  18. 该公司对卡托卡地区的钻石矿进行探矿、采矿、加工并销售。

    The company deals with the prospecting , mining , processing and sale of diamonds mined in the Catoca region .

  19. 这家公园是世界上唯一一处受到公共管理但是允许游客寻找和保存所发现的宝石的钻石矿。

    The park is the world 's only publicly operated diamond site where visitors are allowed to search and keep any gems they find .

  20. 2008年,这些钻石矿的矿业技工被驱逐,他们与安全部队发生了冲突,导致数量不明的人丧生。

    An unknown number of people died in clashes with the security forces in2008 when artisanal miners were kicked out of the alluvial diamond fields .

  21. “那场病的确要了可怜的拉尔夫的命,”卡里斯福特先生说,“因为我是他的朋友,他把他所有的钱都投在了那个钻石矿上。

    And it did kill poor Ralph , 'said Mr Carrisford . 'He put all his money into the mines because I was his friend .

  22. 俄罗斯科学家表示,前苏联政府曾在西伯利亚地区一个巨大的陨石坑内,发现大型工业用钻石矿,而这一发现有可能引发工业变革。

    Russian scientists are claiming that a gigantic deposit of industrial diamonds found in a huge Siberian meteorite crater during Soviet times could revolutionize industry .

  23. 威廉姆斯所指的是津巴布韦东部非常隐秘的钻石矿,销售这些钻石的收入不清不楚。

    Williams was referring to diamonds mined in eastern Zimbabwe in great secrecy , with returns from sales of the stones not fully accounted for .

  24. 要获得天国智识中属灵的财宝就要挖掘这座钻石矿和从天国的海洋中采集珍珠。

    The readiest way to be spiritually rich in heavenly knowledge is to dig in this mine of diamonds , to gather pearls from this heavenly sea .

  25. 分析师表示,由于新发现的大型钻石矿数量十分有限,加上市场需求的不断增加(例如来自中国的需求),钻石的基本面前景依然强劲。

    With a dearth of new discoveries of large diamond deposits and rising demand from markets such as China , the fundamental outlook for diamonds remains robust , say analysts .

  26. 力拓周二表示,其正在对位于澳大利亚、加拿大和津巴布韦的三座钻石矿以及印度一个开发项目今后的发展前景进行评估。

    The mining group yesterday said it was reviewing the future of its three diamond mines in Australia , Canada and Zimbabwe as well as a development project in India .

  27. 数十年以来,人们充其量将非洲(尤其是撒哈拉以南的非洲地区)视为一个拥有钻石矿魅力和极端风险、不太稳定的投资机遇。

    Africa , particularly sub-Saharan Africa , has for decades been thought of as , at best , a volatile investment opportunity with the glamour and extreme risk of diamond mines .

  28. 莱特森矿是历史上产量最高的钻石矿之一。目前全球20颗最大的原钻中有四颗产自这里,其中有三颗发现于本世纪。

    Letseng is one of the most productive mines in history & four of the world's20 largest rough diamonds have been found at the mine , including the three largest found this century .

  29. 戴维克钻石矿洞位于加拿大西北领地,这处矿场最初是在2003年开采挖掘,每年可以生产800万克拉或相当于1600公斤的钻石。

    The Diavik Mine is a mine in the Northwest territories of Canada . The mine ( opened in 2003 ) produces 8 million carats or about 1600 kg ( 3500 lb ) of diamonds every year .

  30. 这颗网球大小的宝石——去年秋天在卢卡拉钻石公司(Lucara)的南非钻石矿发现的一颗1109克拉的白钻——将于周三晚上在伦敦的一场苏富比(Sotheby’s)公开拍卖会上拍卖。

    The tennis ball-size gem - a 1109-carat white diamond discovered last fall in the Lucara mine in South Africa - will be up for bid Wednesday evening in a public auction at Sotheby 's in London .