
  1. 陈先生的“长城”(TheGreatWall)是一款翡翠项链,带有钻石镶嵌的枫叶,售价5600万欧元,或约合5960万美元。

    The Great Wall , Mr. Chan 's necklace of antique Chinese imperial jadeite and diamond-encrusted maple leaves , sold for 56 million euros , or $ 59.6 million .

  2. 科学家发现摇曳的烛光是由有无数颗微小的钻石镶嵌而成的。

    Scientists have shown that a flickering flame is studded with millions of tiny diamonds .

  3. 这颗钻石镶嵌得十分出色。

    The diamond was beautifully set .

  4. 在众多钻石镶嵌的钛合金机身上,菜单键是一颗重达0.25克拉的钻石。

    The menu navigator button is a0.25 carat diamond while more diamonds decorate the titanium body .

  5. 个别经典款系会使用铜身镀金,甚至于有钻石镶嵌。

    Department of individual and classical money can use cupreous body aureate , even diamond is enchased .

  6. 例如,一个钻石镶嵌的纪念盒可以是富裕身份地位的一种表达,同时也是一件表示哀悼的物品。

    A diamond-set mourning locket may be an expression of prosperous status , for example , as well as being an object of mourning .

  7. 这件由玛瑙和钻石镶嵌而成的豹形手镯是“爱江山更爱美人”的英王爱德华八世送给温莎公爵夫人的礼物。爱德华八世也因为这段风流韵事于1936年主动退位。

    The onyx and diamond panther bracelet was once owned by Wallis Simpson , whose love affair with King Edward VIII led to his abdication in1936 .

  8. 他的肌肤,雪白中带着昨天的狩猎之旅带来的淡淡红晕,简直在闪闪发光,就好像有千万颗极小的钻石镶嵌在上面一样。

    His skin , white despite the faint flush from yesterday 's hunting trip , literally sparkled , like thousands of tiny diamonds were embedded in the surface .

  9. 这顶精妙绝伦的皇冠制作于1911年,切割精美的钻石镶嵌在黄金和白金相混合的皇冠上,以前伊丽莎白女王的祖母玛丽皇后曾戴过。

    The ring of brilliant-cut diamonds mounted in gold and set in platinum was created in1911 , and previously worn by Queen Mary & the present queen 's grandmother .

  10. 这个用钻石白金镶嵌的头骨据说属于一个死去不到两周的婴儿。

    And the baby 's skull on which the work was modeled is believed to be that of a newborn less than two weeks .

  11. 莹彩粉红是一枚重达5克拉的枕形鲜彩粉钻石,并且镶嵌在著名珠宝品牌Graff设计的戒指之上。

    A fancy vivid pink cushion-shaped diamond weighing 5.00 carats , mounted by Graff Diamonds .

  12. 他的领带别针是一颗很大的钻石,不过镶嵌得奇特古怪。

    His scarfpin was a large diamond , oddly set .

  13. 有些男士会把钻石分散的镶嵌在他们的婚戒里,但钻戒不是主流。

    Some gentlemen do have diamonds very discreetly set in their weddings rings but it 's not mainstream .

  14. 新妈妈礼物通常是一件贵重的首饰,多为钻石耳钉、镶嵌了一圈珠宝的手链或单粒宝石的吊坠。新妈妈礼物已经成为新爸爸弥补配偶分娩痛苦的一种时髦的方式。

    Push present is always a piece of expensive jewellery , frequently diamonds stud earrings , a jewel-encircled tennis bracelet or a solitaire pendant push presents have become the posh way for new dads to compensate their partners for the agonies of childbirth .

  15. 光之山钻石也曾被镶嵌在亚历山德拉王后(QueenAlexandra)和玛丽王后(QueenMary)的冠冕上。

    The jewel was also in the crowns of Queen Alexandra and Queen Mary .

  16. 这顶由钻石和祖母绿宝石镶嵌的王冠是1900年的时候,德国王子吉多·亨克尔·冯·多纳斯马为其第二任妻子瑞典公主凯塔琳娜定制的。

    The diamond-and-emerald confection was commissioned by German prince Guido Henckel von Donnersmarck for his second wife Katharina around 1900 .

  17. 在产品结构方面则由钻石、铂金和镶嵌饰品呈现出三足鼎立之势,黄金饰品的销量则有下降趋势。

    On the side of product instructure , three of diamond , platinum and beset accessories are opposite . Selling of gold accessories discreates .

  18. 凯特的朋友还透露,凯特打算当天戴上“钻石和珍珠”镶嵌的耳环,目前还不得而知这对耳环是属于“新的”还是“旧的”饰品。

    Friends have also revealed that Kate plans to wear diamond-and-pearl earrings on the day , although it is not known if they are new or family heirlooms .

  19. 关于订婚戒,迪士尼公司称:“每位公主的微妙独特的个性都可以通过这个系类的戒指体现出来,比如钻石的切割、镶嵌。例如灰姑娘的的天仙般的优雅与迷人,或者是小美人鱼简单干净的线条,可以体现她的独立大胆。

    The Walt Disney Company states about the engagement rings : " Subtle references to the personalities of each princess can be seen throughout the collection such as pave and borders , suggestive of Cinderella 's ethereal grace and charm , or baguettes and clean lines for Ariel , symbolic of her bold individuality . "