
  • 网络drilling cycle;drilling cycle/period/term
  1. NDS技术应用效果良好,钻井周期缩短明显,井下复杂事故减少,起到了风险预防作用,技术上满足了该地区的钻探要求,但是技术成熟度不够高、应用成本过高。

    The NDS technology works well , greatly shortens the drilling cycle , and decreases the underground complex accidents which played an important role in the risk prevention , technically meeting requirements of drilling in the region .

  2. 定向井钻井周期与成本预测初探

    Discussion on the Prediction Method of Drilling Cycle and Cost for Directional Well

  3. 平均钻井周期由原来的43d缩短到35d以内;

    The average drilling period was shortened from 43 d to within 35 d ;

  4. 改造后的GM(1,1)模型适用于以井身参数为自变量的非时间序列,将灰色预测技术引入了水平井钻井周期的预测之中。

    The new GM ( 1,1 ) can deal with the parameter that is not time alignment , so GM ( 1,1 ) is led into well-drilling time prediction . At the beginning the well bore is divided into three parts .

  5. 针对水泥石低温情况下强度发展缓慢,影响钻井周期的具体情况,研制开发了早强剂DZ-Z。

    Early strength agent of DZ-Z was developed because the growth of cement strength under the condition of low temperature was slow and thus prolonged the drilling period .

  6. 用修正学习曲线测算钻井周期

    Prediction of well drilling period by rectified learning curves

  7. 水平井钻井周期的灰色预测

    Grey predicting of drilling time in horizontal wells

  8. 钻井周期预测新方法的建立

    Establishing a new method forecasting drilling cycle

  9. 这是缩短钻井周期、降低钻井成本的重要途径。

    It is the important way for shortening drilling cycle and decreasing the drilling cost .

  10. 从而缩短了钻井周期,节约了钻井成本,取得了较好的效果。

    The drilling cycle is shorten and the drilling cost is reduced by the use of turbodrill .

  11. 机械钻速低,钻井周期长,钻具易损坏;

    Drilling rig is easy to be destroyed at low rate of penetration with long drilling circle .

  12. 有效提高了钻头使用效率,缩短了钻井周期,降低了钻井成本。

    This effectively improved the efficiency of the bit , shortened the drilling cycle and reduced the drilling cost .

  13. 因此可以缩短钻井周期,降低钻井成本,提高井身质量。

    It will cut down the drilling cycle , cutdown the cost of drilling and improve the quality of bit trajectory .

  14. 大量现场应用表明,该装置能有效地缩短钻井周期,降低工人的劳动强度,保证钻井安全。

    Lots of field applications show that this apparatus can effectively reduce drilling cycle , decrease labour strength and ensure drilling safety .

  15. 提高南缘地区机械钻速,缩短钻井周期是加快该区勘探和开发进程的有效途径。

    Improving ROP and shortening drilling cycle is an effective way to speed up the process of exploration and development in the area .

  16. 井身结构的简化,使钻井周期明显缩短,节约了大量钢材和水泥,产生了巨大的经济效益和社会效益。

    The simplification of casing program allows the shortening of drilling duration , saving of steel and cement cost , huge economic and social benefit .

  17. 辅助基础的使用可根据井场条件、钻井周期和钻井设施的类型、功能要求来选择确定。

    The application of the auxiliary foundation is depended on the requirement of the natural ground features , drilling period , types and functions of drilling facility .

  18. 沙84井四开井段钻遇复杂地层,钻井周期长,多次起下钻,造成技术套管磨损。

    The complex formations were drilled during the fourth spudding in Sha 84 Well , which resulted in long drilling cycle , multiple trips , and therefore casing abrasion .

  19. 该井的完成,创同类型水平井钻井周期、纯钻时间、平均机械钻速的国内好成绩。

    Spider bow [ for well drilling machines ] It sets good records on drilling cycle , net drilling time and average ROP in the same kind of horizontal wells .

  20. 结果表明,实施油气层保护技术缩短了海拉尔探区的钻井周期,能够及时发现和保护储层,推动了该区的勘探进程。

    The study results show that the utilization of reservoir protecting technique can reduce the drilling period and discover and protect petroleum reservoirs without delay , thus the exploration process of this area can be effectively advanced .

  21. 陆地钻机钻井周期短,拆装、搬迁频繁,而且并深范围大,因此顶驱装置必须易于安装和拆卸,重量要轻,其功率和输出扭矩应满足不同并深范围的要求。

    To use on a land rig , the top drive drilling unit must be easy to install and dismount with light weight and its power and torque output must satisfy the requirements of various well depths .

  22. 综合分析了国内外钻井周期预测方法,归纳出历史水平法、典型案例法、学习曲线法、工序工时法、周期定额法等,并进行了简要分析和论述。

    This paper analyses and discusses five means of forecasting petroleum drilling cycle in the world , including historical level method , typical cases method , learning curve method , procedure work-hour method and cyclic rating method .

  23. 川西地区深探井,由于井眼尺寸大,地层复杂,平均机械钻速极低,不仅钻井周期长而且极易发生断钻具等井下复杂事故,严重制约了川西地区的天然气勘探开发进程。

    For complex geologic condition in the deep exploration well in West Sichuan area , average penetration rate was very low , drilling cycle was long and downhole accident easily occurs , thus the exploratory development of gas was seriously restricted .

  24. 设计实践表明,利用SolidWorks软件平台缩短了旋转导向钻井工具的开发周期,提高了设计质量,降低了设计成本。

    Practice proves the SolidWorks software shortening the design cycle of the steering tool and improving the design quality and reducing the design cost .

  25. 新的技术措施,加快了钻井进度,钻井周期从三个月降低到一个月;钻井成功率由36%提高到100%。

    Taking new technical measures sped up the drilling program , the well period reduced from three months down to one , the rate of well succeed increased from 36 % up to 100 % .

  26. 为提高钻井速度,缩短钻井周期,自2001年起,塔河油田部分勘探开发井采取了长裸眼的三级井身结构,并取得了良好的应用效果。

    For increasing ROP and shortening Drilling cycle , partial exploration and development companies have been adopting three-stage casing schematics for long open holes in Tahe Oilfield since 2001 , and have achieved good application effects .

  27. 深部井段由于钻井液密度高,钻井周期长,不但给钻井液的维护和处理带来了极大的困难,而且造成钻具、套管磨损严重。

    In the deep hole section , high mud density and long drilling cycle result in severe casing abrasions as well as difficult mud maintenances .

  28. 川东北地区所钻井复杂情况多,钻井周期长,直接影响了油气勘探开发。

    In Northeast area of Sichuan , the complex stratal configuration and poor rock drillability led to the drilling period becoming longer and straightly held up the project of exploration .

  29. 它不仅会延误钻井作业时间,延长钻井周期,耗费大量堵漏材料,还会引起卡钻、井喷、井塌等一系列复杂情况。

    It not only delay the time of drilling 、 extend drilling period 、 spend a lot of lost circulation material , but also cause a series of accident such as sticking 、 well spout 、 collapse .

  30. 针对储层低孔渗、强水敏、强水锁特点,采用欠平衡或天然气钻井技术,缩短了钻井周期,减低了污染,解放了产层;

    In view of the reservoir characteristics of low porosity and low permeability and strong water sensitivity , under-balanced and gas drilling technologies are used to shorten the drilling time , lessen formation damage and liberate pay zones .