
wǔ zhuānɡ ɡān shè
  • armed intervention
  1. 美国总统威尔逊在武装干涉苏俄中的作用

    Woodrow Wilson and the armed intervention in the Soviet Union

  2. 他们想不惜一切代价避免武装干涉。

    They want to avoid armed intervention at all costs .

  3. 就目前情况而言,美国不会武装干涉叙利亚内战。

    The US has been reluctant to intervene militarily so far .

  4. 苏俄国内战争和外国武装干涉。

    Soviet Russian Civil War and allied intervention .

  5. 他们勇敢抗议这一武装干涉。

    They protested courageously against this armed intervention .

  6. 但是埃塞俄比亚对于索马里的武装干涉可能让科学不再成为关注的焦点。

    But Ethiopia 's military intervention in Somalia could snatch the limelight at the summit .

  7. 当时我国四分之三的领土都落在外国武装干涉者手中。

    At that time three-quarters of our country was in the hands of foreign interventionists .

  8. 1918年,中国参与了帝国主义国家对苏俄的武装干涉。

    In1918 China joined the armed intervention to the Soviet Russia with the imperialist countries .

  9. 威尔逊肯定认为,豪斯则也许认为,武装干涉只是最后不得已的办法。

    Wilson certainly and House probably thought of armed intervention only as a last , desperate resort .

  10. 当时,伟大的列宁精神鼓舞了我们去进行战争反对武装干涉者。

    The spirit of the great Lenin inspired us at that time for the war against the interventionists .

  11. 然而金氏家族极力让朝鲜民众相信,联合国调查委员会报告的最终目的是武装干涉。

    Yet North Korean citizens are urged to believe that the ultimate end of the COI report is armed intervention .

  12. 太平天国起义不仅遭到国内封建势力的全力镇压,而且还受到外国侵略者的武装干涉。

    It was suppressed not only by the internal armies but also the foreign armed interference of the foreign invaders .

  13. 在国内战争和日本武装干涉的条件下,远东的货币流通十分混乱。

    Under the condition of the civil war and Japanese armed intervention , the Far East currency was circulated in utter disorder .

  14. 有的国家依仗军事优势对他国进行军事威胁,甚至武装干涉;

    Some countries , by relying on their military advantages , pose military threats to other countries , even resorting to armed intervention ;

  15. 他们以越战为指标,来衡量武装干涉对环境破坏的深远影响。

    They use the Vietnamese war as an index to judge the deep influence armed intervention has on the devastation of the environment .

  16. 但社会主义国家要注意在和平共处的同时维护国家的主权,反对武装干涉,警惕和平演变。

    But the socialist countries must pay attention while peaceful coexistence maintain national the sovereignty , opposes the armed intervention , vigilant peaceful evolution .

  17. 美国对西伯利亚的武装干涉在美俄两国关系史上占有十分重要的地位,并对其后两国关系的发展产生了深远的影响。

    America 's Siberian intervention played an important role in the history of America-Russia relationship and deeply influenced the relations between the two countries from then on .

  18. 这样,在冷战的格局下,美国更加加深了对台湾问题的武装干涉,从而导致台湾问题的长期化。

    Consequently , under the background of Cold War , the United States intensified its military interference in Taiwan , thus making the Taiwan question a long-standing problem .

  19. 在面临帝国主义武装干涉的时候,要巩固国内工人阶级和农民阶级的政治军事联盟,通过后方巩固的工农联盟不断往前线输送人力和物资,这样才能使前线的胜利获得保障。

    In face of intervention , the working class and farmers should consolidate domestic political and military alliance . The worker-peasant alliance can transport personnel and supplies to the frontier .

  20. 美国民众将会听到来自总统对于武装干涉的争论,而这位总统自上台后曾承诺要放缓军事活动及避免新的没有直接对于国家安全造成的威胁。

    Americans will hear arguments for armed intervention from a president who came to power pledging to wind down military engagements and avoid new ones absent a direct threat to the nation 's safety .

  21. 欧洲人正在集结武装准备干涉。

    The Europeans are putting together an intervention force .

  22. 别担心了,马上就会有武装力量来干涉了。

    Don 't worry , there will be an intervention force coming soon .

  23. 第一章对非国际性武装冲突军事干涉的概念及性质做了讨论,尤其是对非国际性武装冲突的概念做了界定。

    The first chapter on the concept of non-international armed conflict , military intervention and the nature of the discussion , especially the concept of non-international armed conflicts are defined .

  24. 因为在国际法上除了自卫以外,联合国是唯一被允许能够合法主动行使武力的,至于联合国是否能够对国内武装冲突进行军事干涉还存在疑问。

    In addition to self-defense in international law , the United Nations is only able to legally be allowed to take the initiative to exercise force in doubt as to whether the United Nations to carry out military intervention in the internal armed conflict .