
  • 网络Gold foreign exchange reserves;Gross reserves
  1. 这个比例远高于欧洲央行(ecb)设定的实际目标,即黄金占外汇储备的15%左右。

    The proportion is well above the de facto target set by the European Central Bank of about 15 per cent of its reserves in bullion .

  2. 黄金及外汇储备增减使用意外准备金的标准

    Changes in gold and foreign exchange reserves criteria for use of the contingency fund

  3. 黄金及外汇储备增减

    Changes in gold and foreign exchange reserves

  4. 如果合理利用资源,资源将变成黄金和外汇储备。

    If resources are well managed , they turn into gold and foreign exchange reserves .

  5. 把黄金当作外汇储备放在外国央行是有道理的,因为易于兑换假如需要兑换的话。

    Keeping the gold there as a foreign currency reserve made sense , if it ever needed to be converted .

  6. 一些欧洲国家央行所持的黄金占其外汇储备的50%至60%,但巴黎银行(BNPParibas)表示,中国不太可能将其黄金占外汇储备的比例提升至这一水平。

    Some European central banks hold 50 to 60 per cent of their FX reserves as gold but BNP Paribas said it was unlikely China would move to those sorts of levels .

  7. 韩国上月重返黄金市场,购入16吨黄金作为其外汇储备,这是一家央行利用金价下跌之机累积黄金储备的最新例子。

    South Korea returned to the gold market last month , adding 16 tonnes to its reserves in the latest move by a central bank to take advantage of falling prices to accumulate bullion .

  8. 中国虽已超过瑞士、日本和荷兰,成为第五大黄金储备国,但黄金在其全部外汇储备中仍然只占很小的一部分,低于2%。

    China has overtaken Switzerland , Japan and the Netherlands to become the fifth largest official holder of gold but still only holds a small proportion of its total foreign exchange reserves , under 2 per cent , as gold .

  9. RABCapitalGold基金的高级经理史蒂夫埃利斯(SteveEllis)表示:在历史上,中国曾是一个很大的黄金储备国。大约30年前,黄金约占其外汇储备的10%。

    Steve Ellis , senior manager of the RAB Capital Gold fund said : Historically , China was a large gold holder with about 10 per cent of its FX reserves in gold about 30 years ago .

  10. 中国的黄金产量正在迅速增长,目前已是全球第四大黄金生产国。因此,中国需要从海外购买多少黄金,以实现外汇储备的多样化,现在尚不得而知。

    China 's domestic gold output is increasing rapidly and it is now the world 's fourth largest gold producer , so it is unclear how much gold it would require from overseas for reserve diversification .