- 网络Gold foreign exchange reserves;Gross reserves

The proportion is well above the de facto target set by the European Central Bank of about 15 per cent of its reserves in bullion .
Changes in gold and foreign exchange reserves criteria for use of the contingency fund
Changes in gold and foreign exchange reserves
If resources are well managed , they turn into gold and foreign exchange reserves .
Keeping the gold there as a foreign currency reserve made sense , if it ever needed to be converted .
Some European central banks hold 50 to 60 per cent of their FX reserves as gold but BNP Paribas said it was unlikely China would move to those sorts of levels .
South Korea returned to the gold market last month , adding 16 tonnes to its reserves in the latest move by a central bank to take advantage of falling prices to accumulate bullion .
China has overtaken Switzerland , Japan and the Netherlands to become the fifth largest official holder of gold but still only holds a small proportion of its total foreign exchange reserves , under 2 per cent , as gold .
Steve Ellis , senior manager of the RAB Capital Gold fund said : Historically , China was a large gold holder with about 10 per cent of its FX reserves in gold about 30 years ago .
China 's domestic gold output is increasing rapidly and it is now the world 's fourth largest gold producer , so it is unclear how much gold it would require from overseas for reserve diversification .