
wǔ qì kù
  • arsenal;armory
  1. 1990年南非空军武器库遭到突袭,这件凶器就是当时被盗走的武器中的一件。

    The murder weapon was part of a haul stolen in a raid on a South African air-force arsenal in 1990 .

  2. 昨日,负责美国核武器库的战略司令部司令凯文•希尔顿(KevinChilton)表示,中国核能力的提高不会改变美国在核问题上的姿态。

    Yesterday , General Kevin Chilton , head of Strategic Command , which is responsible for the US nuclear arsenal , said China 's increased capability would not alter the US nuclear posture .

  3. 超级大国开始着手削减核武器库这项更为艰难的工作。

    The Superpowers turned to the harder task of cutting their nuclear arsenals

  4. 甚至连国际货币基金组织(IMF)也开始不情愿地承认,资本管制是政策武器库中不可或缺的武器。

    Even the International Monetary Fund now reluctantly accepts that capital controls are a necessary weapon in the policy armoury .

  5. 上图中为利比亚武器库中最先进的T72型主战坦克。

    This photograph is of a T72 which is the most modern tank in the Libyan arsenal .

  6. 利比亚叛军占领了的黎波里西南部160千米处Zintan镇附近一些重要的地下武器库。

    Rebels in Libya have captured a major complex of underground weapons bunkers near the town of Zintan , 160km southwest of Tripoli .

  7. 找些人到武器库拿出武器来。

    Get some men to the armory and break out the weapons .

  8. 总之,这些具体权力构成了一个具有强制力的武器库。

    Together , these specific powers form an imposing arsenal of regulatory authority .

  9. 这座建筑曾被用作武器库。

    The building was used as a weapons store .

  10. 琼恩离开武器库时,已近中午。

    By the time Jon left the armory , it was almost midday .

  11. 是朝鲜建造核武器库的证据

    are proof of North Korea 's growing nuclear arsenal . Wait a minute .

  12. 警方发现了一个武器库。

    Police have uncovered an arms cache .

  13. 他沉重地走向武器库。

    He walked heavily toward the armory .

  14. 监狱和武器库的大门向白丁敞开。

    The doors of the prisons , as well as the armouries , have been flung open .

  15. 阿萨德的非常规武器库落入极端分子之手的可怕前景令人不寒而栗。

    The spectre of Mr Assad 's non-conventional arsenal falling into extremist hands is a frightening one .

  16. 在食品业巨头们回击批评意见的过程中,的标注“武器库”中的“杀手锏”。

    Better labelling has become an important weapon of the food giants'armoury as they fight back against their critics .

  17. 那些拥有最大核武器库的国家应在限制核军备竞赛方面作出特殊的努力

    The states who own the largest nuclear arsenals should make special efforts in the restriction of nuclear armament race

  18. 由于这身装备没一件是黑的,艾里沙爵士便坚持要那新兵到武器库去换一套。

    As none of it was black , however , Ser Alliser insisted that he reequip himself from the armory .

  19. 还有秘密武器库,还有小部分义军战士潜入的黎波里。

    The rebels do have weapon caches along with small numbers of fighters smuggled into the capital , according to sources .

  20. 相比之下,犹如所料,入侵性较弱的外来物种的武器库至少在某些本土物种那里也存在。

    The more benign aliens , by contrast , were predicted to have arsenals also found in at least some native species .

  21. 这个家伙时常让我们错认为他的武器库早已弹尽粮绝。

    The little scamp had tempted us to think these kind of weapons were no longer to be found in his artillery .

  22. 他意图攻占弗吉尼亚州哈珀斯镇的联邦军火库,这个南方最大的武器库。

    His plan , to capture the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry , Virginia , the biggest collection of weapons in the South .

  23. 他们可以想用多少就用多少,它就是老师武器库中的一个工具。

    They can use as much or as little as they like , and it becomes a tool in the teacher 's arsenal .

  24. 与会者特别关注到印巴两国的核武器库。自从印巴从英国独立后,已发生过三次战争。

    Of particular concern to participants were the nuclear arsenals of India and Pakistan , who have fought three wars since independence from Britain .

  25. 在美国-巴基斯坦联盟中,让人感到典型并且充满讽刺的是,现在巴基斯坦认为它的核武器库的主要威胁来自于美国本身。

    In an irony typical of the United States-Pakistan alliance , the chief threat Pakistan now perceives to its arsenal is from America itself .

  26. 和大众所持的信念相反,船只失事的原因是内部起火引燃了武器库,导致了初期爆炸,而不是因为鱼雷。

    Contrary to popular belief , an internal fire that spread to the ammo storage caused the initial explosion , not a sea mine .

  27. 历史昭示,无论最初发明它的意愿如何,任何一项新技术很快就会进入武器库,成为一种武器。

    History clearly shows that any new technology , regardless of its original intentions , soon finds its way into the arsenals of the warriors .

  28. 美国将使用其数字化工具“武器库”削弱IS的在线通信网络并破坏该组织获取资金、进行贸易的渠道。

    The US will use its arsenal of digital tools to weaken IS 's online communications network , and its access to money and trade .

  29. 为系统建立四大数据库,包括母型线型库、船用设备库、舰载武器库、设计船型库。

    Build four databases for the system , includes parent ship database , ship equipment database , ship-borne weapon database and new designed ship database .

  30. 今天,纽敦市校园枪击案公布物证调查结果,在枪手亚当·兰扎的家中和车上发现了“武器库”。

    Search warrants released today in the Newtown school shooting describe an arsenal of weapons found in the home and car of shooter , Adam Lanza .