- 网络official reserve;reserve asset

What the G20 can initiate through the IMF is a set of rules that limits the accumulation of reserve assets and sterilisation of capital inflows .
A country can use an SDR to claim currencies from other IMF members in time of need so they can be used as a reserve assets instead of dollars .
In2009 China also saw an increase of $ 16.3 billion in reserve assets that are not foreign exchange , primarily gold and IMF Special Drawings Rights .
SDR membership is neither necessary nor sufficient for reserve asset status .
The idea of a large issuance of SDRs – the IMF 's own reserve asset – is an excellent one .
Second , the IMF should agree to add the renminbi to the basket of four currencies in the Special Drawing Rights , its international reserve asset .
Some , including Chinese officials , talk of a shift towards SDRs ( Special Drawing Rights ) as a reserve asset .
International Monetary Fund data on the composition of central bank reserves show reserve managers were increasing their holdings of euros as confidence returned in the second quarter of 2012 .
The proposed new issuance of $ 250bn of special drawing rights by the IMF would increase the world 's pool of reserve assets , freeing the hands of emerging and developing economies .
The International Monetary Fund is exploring the role of the special drawing right ( SDR ), a little-used artificial reserve asset , and emerging markets currencies in the system .
If the unit is to take off as a reserve and indeed privately held asset , it will need to develop a deep and liquid market .
A superficially attractive option is the special drawing right , a form of reserve asset created in 1969 during another round of discussions about the dominant dollar .
The proposal could be coupled with a plan to create billions of dollars by issuing special drawing rights ( SDRs ), a form of reserve asset used by the IMF , to boost global liquidity .
The International Monetary Fund will hold discussions in May and make a decision in November on whether to add the Chinese renminbi to the four currencies it uses to value its Special Drawing Right ( SDR ), the international reserve asset created by the Fund .
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Next it discusses the basic functions of SDRs and points out the weaknesses .
Gold was abandoned as a reserve asset .
How to Balance the Efficiency and the Safety
Current situation and policies concerning foreign exchange reserve in China Forex Reserve Management in Several Economies
The Study on the Asset Allocation of Chinese Foreign Exchange Reserve Based on Stochastic Programming Model
Studies on the substitution effect of Individuals Owing Gold on National Reserve Assets in Our Country
Should central banks sell big quantities of reserves , this could lead to major market dislocations .
Material production assets in the largest number of liquidity for corporate sales and consumption of reserve assets .
The figures definitely suggest that worries about China diversifying away from Treasuries are overblown , he said .
And as a world currency , gold also is one of the reserve assets and investment tools .
That means developing nations are thought likely to buy gold to diversify the risk in their reserves .
As such , it has significant implications for the US dollar and for international portfolio allocation in general .
By form of reserve assets : gold standard system , gold exchange standard system , credit standard system .