
Application of seismic reservoir prediction techniques in different exploration and development stages
Application of reservoir prediction technique in the exploration and development of lithologic oil-gas reservoirs
There are two different seismic pattern recognition methods for prediction of hydrocarbon reservoir .
Good exploration result has been achieved by using seismic prediction on the basis of sequence stratigraphy study .
The whole process of petroleum exploration and development includes preliminary exploration , evaluation , productivity establishment and production . Due to different geological background , exploration level , basic information , and demands , there are relatively large differences in application of seismic reservoir prediction techniques .
This paper presents the case of3D seismic inversion and reservoir prediction of a complex fault-block area in eastern China and reviews the inversion experiences .
The new technologies presented in this paper include formation sensitivity prediction technology in the exploratory well , drilling fluid technology for complex reservoir protection , and drilling fluid density adjustment technology according to the up-return velocity of oil and gas .
Study on the method of reservoir plane comprehensive prediction and its application
The paper describes in detail the method of the reservoir plane comprehensive prediction . This method consists of extraction of plane parameters , production of plane data , distribution of same point parameters , normal processing and fuzzy analysis method etc. .