- 网络Reserve Currency

China 's central bank yesterday proposed replacing the US dollar as the international reserve currency with a new global system controlled by the International Monetary Fund .
The IMF holds SDRs , underpinned by dollar , euro , yen and pound , as its reserve currency .
And then we make use of AHP to manage the currency composition of foreign exchange reserve .
Xu , for his part , suggests moving toward a system of multiple reserve currencies overseen in part by the likes of the International Monetary Fund .
World leaders should give urgent attention to reaching consensus on creating a global reserve system that would replace the US dollar as the main international currency , the United Nations General Assembly was told yesterday .
Mr Eichengreen points out that the dollar had no international role in1914 but had overtaken sterling in governments'reserves by1925 .
Easing controls on outbound financial investment will help the renminbi meet International Monetary Fund requirements that any official reserve currency be freely usable , analysts say .
Leading powers are not going to accept the SDR as a new global reserve currency , nor the IMF as a global central bank .
At a recent G20 meeting in Nanjing , French President Nicolas Sarkozy said it was time for the renminbi to become a reserve currency .
Significantly , however , inclusion in the SDR basket would allow the renminbi to sidestep the convertibility criterion for a reserve currency .
It also made an intriguing proposal to enlarge the role of special drawing rights so they could become an alternative to the dollar as a reserve currency .
Progress on financial reform is expected to be a key criterion for the IMF 's decision within the next year over whether to endorse the renminbi as an official reserve currency .
For China and others , a negative ruling on reserve currency status could symbolise their concerns that the IMF remains an institution run by and for the benefit of advanced economies .
Even as the International Monetary Fund considers whether to endorse the renminbi as an official reserve currency , more than 60 central banks have already invested in renminbi assets , according to Standard Chartered .
These methods are establishing a unified reserves system , redistributing the SDR , and reinforcing the regional monetary cooperation and the international reserves management .
The scope of using the SDR should be broadened , so as to enable it to fully satisfy the member countries'demand for a reserve currency .
Dollar investors would obtain instant diversification because SDRs are made up of a basket of currencies the dollar , the euro , the yen and sterling .
China has called for reform of the global reserve system and creation of a new international reserve currency based on Special Drawing Rights ( SDRs ) .
Yet the funding advantage of issuing copious ious in the global reserve currency now faces its biggest test as the US budget deficit hits 13 per cent of gross domestic product and unfunded liabilities reach four times GDP .
What if the US government , with its balance sheet and its reserve-currency dollar , gained the powers that Mr Geithner and Ben Bernanke , chairman of the Federal Reserve , seek ?
Several proposals are floating around for how this could be achieved , for example the creation of special reserve baskets or the use of the International Monetary Fund 's special drawing rights .
Another clear trend in the IMF data is the recent popularity of the Australian and Canadian dollars as alternative reserve currencies , and some analysts speculate that unexpected resilience in the Aussie might reflect continued purchases .
Now China wants the International Monetary Fund to label the renminbi an official reserve currency by including it in the exclusive group that makes up its unit of account , the Special Drawing Rights .
In the face of calls for it to stump up a lot of money to help recapitalise the International Monetary Fund , China has instead launched a proposal to replace the US dollar with a new international reserve currency .
If President Vladimir Putin realises his ambitions , Moscow will become an international financial hub on a par with London or New York , and the rouble will become an international reserve currency .
It is a smart strategic move for China to seize the opportunity of the financial crisis to put forward the issue of a new reserve currency at the G20 summit with a view to gaining say .
Ahead of the April group of 20 leading nations summit , Zhou Xiaochuan , central bank governor , proposed replacing the dollar as the global reserve currency with a basket of currencies managed by the International Monetary Fund .
Zhou 's proposal to move to a new reserve currency along the lines of the S.D.R. 's , or special drawing rights , in which the International Monetary Fund leeps its accounts .
The Swiss franc , for example , is quite widely held as a reserve currency ( certainly relative to the size of the Swiss economy ) without being in the SDR basket .
Joseph Yam , the head of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority , the quasi-central bank , recently said he saw the renminbi becoming freely convertible and perhaps becoming an international reserve currency one day .