- 网络settlement currency;Currency of Settlement

Second , the use of the renminbi as a settlement currency has also slowed .
Either funding currency RMB , may also be the settlement currency of the export business , easy business to choose the appropriate currency to avoid exchange rate risk .
Twenty per cent of Dutch , UK and German companies with operations in China are now invoicing in renminbi , according to a survey by Deutsche Bank .
Yet , despite this rapid growth , the currency still accounts for only a tiny fraction of Global trade about 0.45 per cent of all international payments according to swift , the global payments network .
Reserve Bank of Australia deputy governor Philip Lowe said this week that the availability and pricing of instruments to hedge renminbi currency risk was the most important factor that was slowing the uptake of renminbi invoicing in bilateral trade .
Total value of the shipment , including currency of settlement .
The Invoice Currency of Carbon Trading : Theory , Reality and Choices
the use of the renminbi as a trading currency is growing ;
Investors are exposed to fluctuations in the base currencies exchange rate .
With normal currency options you can choose to collect in whatever currency you are using to bet against another currency .
The yuan will become one of the three major global settlement currencies in five years , the HSBC Group estimated .
I think the talk of international monetary regime change and the renminbi as an invoicing currency is largely political posturing .
China has many reasons to reduce its reliance on the dollar , which is used for almost all its cross-border trade and finance .
This paper started from the Monetary Competition Theory . Optimal Currency Area Theory , international trade settlement theory and relevant study on RMB cross border trade settlement .
Officials in Beijing speak of boosting investment ties with countries in ASEAN and promoting the adoption of the renminbi as a hard currency in several Asian neighbour economies .
At the present stage , we can implement strategies such as utilizing a variety of settlement currency and strengthening the management and supervision of risks to less the adverse influence .
Not difficult to see that the advantage of RMB is bigger and bigger and range is further , RMB as the main settlement currency in East Asia becomes more and more consolidated .
Other Russian energy groups have been more reluctant to drop the dollar for settlement of oil sales , because the lower liquidity of alternative currencies is likely to result in higher costs .
The main advantage of trading directly in renminbi , rather than through a settlement currency such as the US dollar , was that it cut down uncertainties and the costs of doing business , bankers said .
In recent years , in order to promote the process of RMB internationalization , the countries are vigorously promoting the RMB to go out and actively encourage border trade in the border region to use the RMB as a settlement currency .
Thus , the project to promote the use of the renminbi as a currency for trade settlement in Asia is of vital strategic importance , not so much as a projection of Chinese economic power but as a protection against imported financial turbulence .
At the same time , due to the trade across the border trade and tourism , the surrounding countries and regions recognized RMB as the main currency could be used for buying and selling , which in turn provide the basis for RMB internationalization .
Money does not flow easily round Asia , due to capital controls and the fact that almost all transactions between Asian currencies are executed in dollars .
Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in other currencies are translated into the respective functional currencies at the applicable rates of exchange in effect at the Balance sheet date .
The unit of account for deferred payment of debts is also money .
Currency in Circulation and Fund in Settlement The Problems and Countermeasures in Money Circulation at Present
Asian Session : China and Brazil discuss bypassing the dollar for international trade – currency markets remain slow .
Investments that are denominated in a given currency include money-market funds , bonds , mortgages , bank deposits , and other instruments .
With the development of communication technology , electronic money , a new method of settling accounts which is mostly used in retailing comes forth .
The core of modern financial management is the fund management . The centre of settling accounts inside colleges and universities puts focus on managing currency fund and strengthening the role of managing department considering the present situation of fund shortage .