
  • 网络class-ending
  1. “结课”是构成“课”的基本部分,与其它教学环节一样重要。

    The class-ending part is a fundamental part of the class , which is as important as other teaching segments .

  2. 师范类高校教师在组织和实施教学时应讲一些艺术的“结课”,并指出一些不够理想的“结课”方式。

    Teachers in normal universities should attach importance on some graceful class-ending part and point out the imperfect modes when organizing and implementing teaching .

  3. 他的结课论文写得非常好。

    His final essay was amazing .

  4. 浅析中学体育教师课堂教学导入与结课技巧

    Middle School PE Teachers ' Skill at Introduction and Conclusion in Classroom Teaching

  5. 教学的结课技能与尝试

    Skills and Practice of Ending Class Teaching

  6. 学习本结课的目的在于使我们的销售行为有计划性,有意义。

    The purpose of learning this session is plan our sales activity , make it meaningful .

  7. 好消息就是这听起来像结课了一样,你们需要知道的就是这些,那么课程?

    Class is cancelled until final exam because this is all you need to know , right ?

  8. 学生们在结课论文中详细阐述了建议,他们的研究结果被呈交给米其林管理层。

    The students ' proposals were detailed in an end-of-programme thesis and their findings were presented to Michelin management .

  9. 备课艺术、导课艺术、教态艺术、应变艺术及结课艺术方面来谈了一些自己的思考和总结。

    This paper gives some ideas about art in preparing lessons , guiding class , adopting teaching attitude , taking adjustment and ending class .

  10. 结课有课堂教学的“豹尾”之美誉,它是课堂教学的一个缩影和必要环节之一。

    As the miniature and a necessary part of the classroom teaching ," class ending " is said to be of prominent and attractive charm .

  11. 然而,通过资料显示,我国高校体育教学改革以来,大部分学校都压缩了冬季上课时间,将每周一次的体育教学压缩到两周一次,提前结课。

    However , through information , Physical Education in China since the reform , most schools have reduced the winter class schedule will be compressed once a week to two weeks of physical education time , ahead of knot classes .

  12. 本文从课堂教学行为和巩固教学效果两个大的方面比较,从导入语言、讲授语言、提问语言、结课语言、板书、多媒体显示、布置作业、复习八个小方面比较。

    This article from the classroom teaching behavior and strengthen teaching effect two aspects , comparison , from the import teaching of language , language , ask questions , language , blackboard writing , multimedia display , homework , review of eight small aspects .

  13. 从结课语言角度看,专家教师在教学过程的最后环节会留下适当的时间,采用多种方式进行结课:归纳式结课、比较式结课、设置悬念结课。

    Language perspective from the session , the expert teacher in the last part of the teaching process will leave the appropriate time , using a variety of ways to knot lesson : inductive node class and comparison class , set up the suspense .