
  • 网络Structural Realism;Neorealism
  1. 传统现实主义与结构现实主义的比较分析

    Comparative Analysis between the Traditional Realism and the Structural Realism

  2. 结构现实主义也对郭雪波颇有影响。

    He is also much influenced by structural realism .

  3. 结构现实主义视角下后冷战时期的中美关系

    Sino-US relation during post-cold war on the view of structure realism

  4. 本文讨论的是沃尔兹结构现实主义在国内政治研究上的缺失。

    This paper discusses the absence of structural realism in domestic political studies .

  5. 中美苏战略大三角的结构现实主义分析

    Structural Realism Analysis on Strategic Triangle of China , America and Soviet Union

  6. 论肯尼思·沃尔兹结构现实主义理论的国际体系思想

    International System Thought of Structural Realism from Kenneth Waltz

  7. 沃尔兹结构现实主义在国内政治研究上的缺失原因分析

    Analysis on the Absence of Waltz 's Structural Realism in Domestic Political Studies

  8. 结构现实主义理论和冷战后的国际政治结构

    Theory of Structural Realism and International Political Structure

  9. 国际体系演进的结构现实主义解读及启示

    Analysis and inspiration of the evolution of the international system in the perspective of structural realism

  10. 而肯尼思·华尔兹的《国际政治理论》则是新现实主义(或结构现实主义)理论的力作。

    And Kenneth N. Waltz 's " Theory of International Politics " mostly represents neo-realism or structural realism .

  11. 沃尔兹的结构现实主义理论自从诞生以来就一直在国际政治理论领域占据着主导地位。

    Waltz 's structural realism dominates the realm of the international political theory after it came into existence .

  12. 进攻性现实主义与古典现实主义以及结构现实主义有着一脉相承的继承性,但在此基础上也有所超越。

    Offensive realism not only inherits the main doctrines of classical realism and structural realism , but also transcends them .

  13. 结构现实主义也对郭雪波颇有影响。虚拟与现实结合的心电图软件的构建

    He is also much influenced by structural realism . Design of electrocardiogram software which combines virtual reality with actual reality

  14. 结构现实主义的国际体系思想主要体现在结构核心、权力核心、均势核心和互动核心等四个方面。

    Thoughts of international system in Structural Realism theory embody primarily in the areas of structure , power , equilibrium and interaction .

  15. 本文试图从结构现实主义的视角来分析美国霸权在维护东亚和平中的作用。

    The article approaches to analyze , from a perspective of the structural realist theory , contributions of the hegemony structure to maintain the regional peace .

  16. 秘鲁著名作家、拉美结构现实主义文学的旗手巴尔加斯·略萨,对社会、形式和读者提出三重挑战。

    As the pioneer of the Latin-American structural realistic literature , the well-known Peruvian writer Valgas Llosa launched three challenges against the society , form and readers .

  17. 第二章将论述近年来西方学者研究中较为盛行的结构现实主义分析,从而指出影响法国外交政策变化的物质性的结构因素。

    Chapter Two discusses the analyses of structural realism which is prevalent among western scholars in recent years and points out the material , structural factors which affect the change of French foreign policy .

  18. 本文尝试用结构现实主义理论分析冷战后中亚地区的国际关系,试图为中国的中亚战略制定提出建议。

    This article tries to analyze the international relations in the Central Asia after the Cold War with structure realism theory , and attempts to put forward to some proposals for China 's Central Asia strategy .

  19. 第四章:主要从小说语言、故事结构、现实主义特色三方面分析小说的艺术特色。

    Chapter 4 : Analyze the main language , the story structure and the reality features of the art .

  20. 与传统区域地理学相比,新区域地理学倾向于结构主义、现实主义和后现代主义的哲学思维。强调区域的个性,强调人的能力及角色与社会结构在区域特性的形成与发展的作用。

    Compared with traditional regional geography , the thought of new regional geography lies in its use of structuralism , realism and post modernism .

  21. 结构主义与结构现实主义是当代文化思潮中使用频率极高的两个专门术语。

    Structuralism and structural realism are two specific literal terms to be used frequently in the contemporary cultural thought .

  22. 此结构非彼结构&结构主义与结构现实主义辨析这是由于cmos里的每一个晶体管都是由一个PMOS和一个NMOS晶体管组成的。

    This Structure is not That Structure & An Analysis of the Differences between Structuralism and Structural Realism ; This is due to the fact that each transistor in a CMOS circuit is actually made from a PMOS transistor and an NMOS transistor .