
  • 网络Cidade de Deus;The City of God;De Civitate Dei
  1. 凶手一定是来自上帝之城的。

    The murderer has to be from the city of god .

  2. 《上帝之城》中一个显著的叙事特点就是叙事闭合。

    One noticeable narrative feature in City of God is narrative closure .

  3. 巴西影片《上帝之城》获得最佳外语片奖。

    The Brazilian movie " city of god " was named best foreign film .

  4. 首先,简要地讨论了《上帝之城》的写作背景与主要结构;

    The first part treats the background and the structure of the Gty of Cod .

  5. 上帝之城被分割了。

    The city of God was divided .

  6. 电影中绝大部分的演员都生活在贫民窟中,包括上帝之城这座真实的城市。

    Most of the cast were from real-life favelas , including the real-life City of God itself .

  7. 上帝之城是一部上映于2002年的电影,它是一部巴西的犯罪剧情电影,导演费尔南多·梅里尔斯,卡迪亚·兰德。

    City of God is a 2002 Brazilian crime drama film directed by Fernando Meirelles and co-directed by K á tia Lund .

  8. 《上帝之城》的主要冲突是主体这一伦理问题,而小说又将其明确地将其作为一语言问题进行探究。

    The central conflict of City of God is the ethical problem of subjectivity , and the novel addresses it explicitly as a problem of language use .

  9. 电影叙述的是上帝之城-里约热内卢城镇的犯罪,时间是20世纪60年代,以及20世纪80年代初期。

    It follows the growth of organized crime in the Cidade de Deus suburb of Rio de Janeiro between the end of the 1960s and the beginning of the 1980s .

  10. 在《上帝之城》中,奥古斯丁对国家的起源、国家的权能和范围、国家的特征和目的、国家与教会的关系等主题进行了研究。

    In The City of God , Augustine studies the origin of the State , its power and scope , its characteristics and purpose , and finally , its relationship between the church .

  11. 上帝之城在“五十部死前必看电影”中排名第三,在“二十五部最佳动作电影”中排名第六位。

    City of God was ranked third in Film4 's " 50 Films to See Before You Die , " and No.6 on The Guardian 's " The 25 Best Action Movies Ever . "

  12. 假如星辰千年一现,人类关于上帝之城的记忆,必将世代相传,为人们长久地信仰着,珍存着,崇拜着。

    If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years , how would men believe and adore ; and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God which had been shown !

  13. 我很喜欢圣奥古斯丁在“上帝之城”里的一句话,他说,“以社会地位评价人是一种罪”。

    I 'm drawn to a lovely quote by St. Augustine in " The City of God , " where he says , " It 's a sin to judge any man by his post . "

  14. 巴西影片《上帝之城》获得最佳外语片奖。这部电影荣获第68届奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳摄影、最佳音乐、最佳化装五项大奖。

    The Brazilian movie " City of God " was named best foreign film . It won five 68-second Oscar awards for best picture , best director , best cinematography , best music , best make up .

  15. 奥古斯汀在《上帝之城》中建立起上帝之城/地上之城的二元话语结构,为教权和王权之间的权力制衡奠定了基础。

    The binary discourse structure of the city of God versus the city of citizen Augstine ( created ) in The City of God laid a foundation for the check and balance between religious power and royal power .

  16. 法律与信仰是此世与彼岸的化身,完美地理解并调和两者,我们就架起了沟通人间与天堂的桥梁,消弭了上帝之城与世俗之城间的鸿沟。

    Laws and faith are the embodiment of earth and heaven , by means of understanding and reconciling them sufficiently , we would bridge the world and the Paradise , at the same time , eliminate the chasm between city of God and lay .

  17. 三种宗教占世界人口的很大一部分,这里是“崇高圣所”或“圣殿山”,位于有“上帝之城”、“上帝之山”之称的耶路撒冷的中心。

    There are three religions which is very large portion of the world 's population , for which this spot Haram al-Sharif or the Temple Mount is at the center of Jerusalem and Jerusalem is perceived as being God 's City , God 's Mountain .