
  • 网络almond;Gabriel Almond
  1. 阿尔蒙德表示,投资者需求太大,“正导致定价与基本面脱节”。

    Mr Almond said the sheer volume of investor demand was " driving a disconnect between pricing and fundamentals . "

  2. 在美国学者阿尔蒙德提出了政治文化这一概念之后,政治文化研究就成为了政治学学者们重要的研究工具。

    After American political scientist Almond put forward the concept of political culture , political culture studying has become an important research tool of political science scholars .

  3. 政治文化概念首先是由美国政治学家阿尔蒙德于1956年阐发的,自此以后,政治文化研究便逐渐为政治学界所接受并成为众多学者分析政治行为的一个角度。

    Political culture concept was first explained by an American politician & Almond - in 1956 . Henceforth , research of political culture is gradually taken in by political science group .

  4. 阿尔蒙德表示:多个城市的基本收益率已重返2007年的水平。但在目前的超低利率环境下,它们看起来依然是很有吸引力的投资。

    Prime yields in a number of cities are back where they were in 2007 but because of ultra-low interest rates they still look like an attractive investment , Mr Almond said .

  5. 阿尔蒙德所谓的公民文化是指一种具有现代与传统、东方与西方文化之融合特征的政治文化,它也是一种公民、臣民和村民的混合体。

    Almond 's civic culture is a kind of political culture which combines modernity and tradition , eastern culture and western culture , and it is also a combination of citizen , subject and villager .

  6. 当代政治文化研究起始于美国政治学家阿尔蒙德,政治文化概念及研究在20世纪80年代中期从西方传入中国。

    The study of contemporary political culture started from Almond , an American political scientist , and the concept of political culture and research imported from the West to China in the mid-80s of the 20th century .