
  • 网络Altay City
  1. 新疆阿勒泰市城市山地灾害及减灾对策研究

    Study on the Mountainous Disasters and Their Reduction Measures in the Urban Area of Altay City

  2. 新疆阿勒泰市坐落于阿尔泰山南麓低山丘陵带的狭长断陷谷地内,相应的生物气候带属干旱荒漠与干草原带,是山地环境变化和人类活动反应最为敏感地带。

    Altay City is located in a long and narrow fault basin in the hill zone on southern piedmont of the Altay Mountains , it belongs to arid desert climate , and the zone is an arid steppe and is the most sensitive to the environment change and human activities .

  3. 方法:于2005年12月采取随机整群抽样的方法,对阿勒泰市1096名汉族及988名哈族6~14岁学龄儿童进行睡眠状况问卷调查(包括父母及儿童问卷)。

    Methods : In December 2005 , 1096 school age children age 6-14 years old of han nationalities and 988 same age children of ha nationalities were investigated at random with parent 's and children 's questionnaire in Altai city of xinjiang .