
  • 网络The Shangsi Festival
  1. 上巳节的活动内容,历代都有变化。

    The activities of the Shangsi Festival have varied with times .

  2. 上巳节俗演变的文学轨迹

    Evolvement of the Shangsi Festival Folk-Custom in Literature

  3. 与传统的三月三上巳节相比,新叶村三月三的文化含义虽然已经发生了很大变化,但仍然可以发现其中遗存的先民思想和独特的文化意义。

    Compared to the traditional Shangsi Festival , the cultural implication has been changed , but the inherited the thought of people priority and unique cultural significance can still be found .

  4. 上巳节是两汉尤其是东汉以后才开始形成并流行起来的节日,它采纳了古老的巫术仪式祓禊,又包含了许多鲜活的世俗内容。

    The Shangsi Festival , which adopts the ancient witch rite , and contains lots of new worldly contents , dates from the Western and Eastern Han , especially after the Eastern Han , it becomes popular .

  5. 在这种历史背景下,上巳节的节俗文化有了明显的改燮,从祓禊等宗教仪式逐步演燮成曲水流觞的娱乐活动,节日活动的性质从娱神向娱人转燮。

    This historical background Shangsi Festival Culture Festival has been significantly changed , gradually evolved into the winding streams of entertainment , festive nature of the activities Entertainment God to entertain the people from the cleanse purification and other religious ceremonies .