
  • 网络Patriotic Education Base
  1. 中山舰爱国主义教育基地规划创意

    Planning Idea of " Zhongshan " Warship Base for Patriotism Education

  2. 爱国主义教育基地免费开放后运行机制探析

    Discussion on the Operational Mechanism of Patriotism Education Bases after Being Opened Free

  3. 把图书馆建设成为新世纪爱国主义教育基地

    Library Constructs the Patriotic Educational Base of New Century

  4. 本文对我省爱国主义教育基地的相关问题进行探讨。

    This article explores related problems of patriotism education base in our province .

  5. 我省爱国主义教育基地的价值透析

    Value Analysis of Patriotism Education Base in Hainan

  6. 浅谈市县区档案馆爱国主义教育基地建设及社会功能发挥

    The Construction of the Base for Patriotism Education and Social Function of the Archives

  7. 韶山风景区是著名的红色旅游景区,全国革命传统教育和爱国主义教育基地。

    Shaoshan is a famous red tourist scenic zone , national revolutionary tradition education and patriotism education base .

  8. 努力发挥爱国主义教育基地在社会主义精神文明建设中的优势地位

    Bringing the Priority of the Patriotism Education Base into Full Play in the Construction of Socialist Spiritual Civilization

  9. 黑龙江省青少年爱国主义教育基地利用与开发研究

    On the Utilization and Exploitation of Patriotism Education Bases for the Teenagers and the Youth in Heilongjiang Province

  10. 因此,大鹿岛现已成为闻名中外的爱国主义教育基地和避暑观光旅游胜地。

    To be honored , The Dalu Island becomes a distinguished tourist resort and a famous base for patriotism education .

  11. 现在这里是全国重点文物保护单位,又是广州市学生爱国主义教育基地。

    Now here is the focus of heritage conservation units , but also students in Guangzhou City of patriotism education bases .

  12. 由于特殊的历史原因辽宁地区是全国爱国主义教育基地最多的省份之一。

    Because of the special historical reasons in Liaoning province , it is one of the most provinces of the national patriotism education base .

  13. 爱国主义教育基地真实的记录了帝国主义对中华民族的侵略以及中华人民反对外来侵略的光荣历史。

    Patriotism education base real records the imperialist aggression of the Chinese nation and the glorious history of the Chinese people against foreign aggression .

  14. 爱国主义教育基地在爱国主义教育中具有独特的价值,提升爱国主义教育基地的服务质量有助于增强爱国主义教育的实效。

    The patriotism education base in the patriotism education has its unique value , promoting patriotism education base to enhance the service quality of the education of patriotism .

  15. 并针对应解决的问题,提出的建议,以有利于今后更好地发挥爱国主义教育基地的教育作用。

    And in the light of the problems to be solved in , proposed the Suggestions , in order to be helpful for patriotism education base work better in the future .

  16. 爱国主义教育基地是开展爱国主义教育极其宝贵的资源,在新的历史条件下,我们必须把爱国主义教育基地建设好、管理好、运用好、宣传好。

    Patriotism Education Base is a rather precious resource for carrying out patriotic education . The new historical circumstances have entrusted us to well constructing , managing , handling and propagating the Patriotism Education Base .

  17. 此外以民族精神的弘扬与培育为中心主题的国民教育和精神文明建设,以爱国主义教育基地为载体的民族精神弘扬和培育也是十分重要的途径。

    In addition the national education taking enlarging wishing and fostering of national spirit as center theme and construction of spiritual civilization , it is very important ways that the national spirit taking patriotism educational base as carrier is carried forward and fostered .

  18. 红色旅游是近年来迅速发展起来的一种特殊的旅游产品,主要功能是进行爱国主义教育的基地。

    Red tourism , a kind of special tourism product , has been developed rapidly in recent years and its emergency results from many organized activities centering on patriotism and revolutionary tradition educations .

  19. 大学校史馆不仅是大学展示自身历史、文化、教育理念及精神面貌的窗口,也是对青少年进行爱国主义教育的重要基地。

    The university history museum is the window of a university to show its own history and spirit .

  20. 它是全国首批重点文物保护单位之一,定性为革命遗址;同时又是广西爱国主义革命传统教育基地。

    It is the first one of the key units to be protected , as a revolutionary site ; guangxi is also a base for education in patriotism revolutionary tradition .