
  • 网络emile;EMEL
  1. 爱弥儿的成长经历阐释了卢梭对教育的理念。

    The growing experience of Emile interprets the Rousseau 's education ideas .

  2. 卢梭在所著教育哲理小说《爱弥儿》中,详尽而生动地阐述了他的自然教育理论。

    In his novel Emile of educational philosophy , Rousseau vividly expounded on his theory of natural education .

  3. 爱弥儿开玩笑地说:“你这是怎么了?”

    Emil said teasingly ," what 's the matter with you ?"

  4. 爱弥儿已经在那里开始割草了,他干得十分起劲。

    Emil had already begun work and was mowing vigorously .

  5. 这时,爱弥儿变得一点也不拘束了。

    By this time Emil had lost all his timidity .

  6. “你出来一下好吗?”爱弥儿焦急不安地说。

    Are you coming out ? Emil asked impatiently .

  7. 他紧走一步赶上前去,在爱弥儿的背上捶了一下。

    He slapped Emil on the back as he caught step with him .

  8. 从《爱弥儿》看卢梭的女子观

    Rousseau 's View on Women from Emile

  9. 她常常打发爱弥儿过去帮玛丽锄草,种树或做家俱。

    She was always sending Emil over to spade or plant or carpenter for marie .

  10. 卢梭自然主义教育理论及理性思考&读《爱弥儿》有感

    On Rousseau 's Naturalist Educational Theory

  11. 爱弥儿宽容地微笑着,站在那里,用他那双深沉忧郁的眼睛凝视着她。

    Emil smiled tolerantly and stood looking down at her with his old , brooding gaze .

  12. 不,我吓得跑不动了,爱弥儿难过地说,一边捻着他的手指头。

    " No. I 'd be too scared to run ," Emil admitted mournfully , twisting his fingers .

  13. 这段话要漫不经心地说出来.你出来一下好吗?爱弥儿焦急不安地说。

    This speech is meant to is thrown away . " Are you coming out ?" Emil asked impatiently .

  14. 爱弥儿站在那里,低头望着她,他的双肩是那么的强健,她依靠的那只胳膊是那么有力。

    Emil stood looking down at her , holding his shoulders stiff and stiffening the arm to which she clung .

  15. 卢梭在《爱弥儿-论教育》第五卷中以自然主义教育思想为基础,阐述了他的女子观。

    Based on naturalistic education thoughts , Rousseau explains his views on women in the fifth volume of Emile-On Education .

  16. 卢梭在《爱弥儿》中详细阐释了陶冶教育的内容和方式。

    Besides , Rousseau explained in detail the contents and methods of " Cultivation Education " in the " Emil " .

  17. 一看到爱弥儿,亚米迪就连忙向他挥手,同时叫他的一个堂兄弟接过马缰绳。

    When he saw emil , Amedee waved to him and called to one of his cousins to take the reins .

  18. 她乘车来到了林德尔旅馆,两年前,她去参加爱弥儿的学位授予典礼,曾在那里经过。

    She drove to the Lindell Hotel , where she had stayed two years ago when she came up for Emil 's commencement .

  19. 他发现爱弥儿的那匹牝马精疲力尽,身上的毛被汗水沾成一撮一撮的,马笼头也断了,它在马房门口啃嚼着零散干草。

    He came upon emil 's mane , jaded and lather-stained , her bridle broken , chewing the scattered tufts of hay outside the stable door .

  20. 卢梭在教育论著《爱弥儿》中,从教学观念、教学过程、教学方法及教师作用等几方面提出了他的教学思想。

    In emile , his educational work , Jean-Jaques Rousseau put forward his thought of teaching from the concept of teaching , teaching procedures , teaching methods and the role of teachers .

  21. 只有浪漫主义时代才相信这点;当时,人们想象艺术家有如卢梭的爱弥儿。妄想在荷马身上发现象爱弥儿那样在自然怀抱中养育出来的艺术家。

    Such a belief could have been endorsed only by a period for which Rousseau 's Emile was an artist and Homer just such an artist nurtured in the bosom of nature .

  22. 爱弥儿开玩笑地说:你这是怎么了?好,“他开玩笑地说,”哪天晚上我就要来把你带走了,“他说着笑了起来。

    Emil said teasingly ," What 's the matter with you ?" " Well ," he said , jokingly , " I 'll come and get you one of these evenings ," and then he laughed .