
  • 网络teaching principle;Teching principles;principle of instruction;principle
  1. GX实验的32字诀教学原则探究

    A Research on the 32-Character Formula of the Teaching Principle of GX Experiment

  2. 教学原则是教学论研究的基本论题之一。

    To research teaching principle is the basic thesis of Pedagogy .

  3. MM教育方式与数学创新教育的教学原则MM实验回顾与小结

    Teaching Principles of Educational Mode of Mathematical Methodology and Innovative Education of Mathematics

  4. Lab为开发环境建立。语言实验室的教学原则

    On the Teaching Principles in Language Lab

  5. 文章以建构主义学习理论和现代教育心理学的认知理论为依据论证了英语CAI课件在设计和制作过程中应遵循的英语教学原则以及制作英语多媒体课件的基本要求。

    The article gives a detailed analysis on the influence of constructivist and cognitive learning theories on the CAI design of English courses .

  6. 问题解决学习模式(PBL)是一种与建构主义学习理论及其教学原则非常吻合的教学模式。

    Problem-Based Learning ( PBL ) is one of the instructional models suitable for applying of learning theory and instructional principles of Constructivism .

  7. 第一章E-Learning理论体系的建构,论述了E-Learning的内涵、特征以及教学原则、教学模式和教学设计的思想和内容。

    Chapter I : Construction of serious E-learning theory , expounds the connotation , features , principles , models of E-learning and the ideas and contents of teaching design .

  8. 大学生主体性道德教育的基本思想与教学原则

    Probe into the Teaching Mode of College Students Subjectivity Moral Education

  9. 综合的教学原则方法观;

    The viewpoint on integrated teaching , learning principles and methods ;

  10. 论体育教学原则的创新

    Discussion on the Innovation of the Teaching Principles of Physical Education

  11. 这其中包括选题原则、教学原则、理论基础。

    This including selected topic principle , teaching principle , rationale .

  12. 少年儿童音乐心理发展的特征及教学原则

    The features of children 's music psychological development and music teaching principle

  13. 对中学数学教学原则的辩证思考

    Dialectical Thought on Principles of Mathematics Education in Middle School

  14. 对中学英语教学原则的认识与应用

    Comprehension and Application of English Teaching Principles in Middle Schools

  15. 《学记》的教育教学原则及其现实意义

    On current significance of educational and padagogical principles in Record About Learning

  16. 坚持新课程倡导的教学原则

    Adhere to the Teaching Principles Initiated by the New Course

  17. 浅论网络环境下英语教学原则和教师的主导作用

    On English Teaching Principles and Teachers ' Guiding Function under Network Circumstance

  18. 启发性原则;教学原则;英语教学。

    Stimulating principle ; teaching principles ; English Language Teaching .

  19. 中学美术学科的教学原则

    The Principles of Teaching Fine Arts in Middle Schools

  20. 论外语教学原则理论与实践

    Principles of Foreign Language Teaching : Theories and Practice

  21. 但教学原则的形成只停留在教学理论层,如何把理论贯彻到教学设计中并在教学实践中加以实施,才是教学研究的重点。

    But the formation of teaching principles only stays in teaching theory layer .

  22. 论现代教育媒体下的师生关系及教学原则

    Teacher-Student Relation and Teaching Principles through Modern Educational Media

  23. 理论联系实际是一条重要的教学原则。

    Theory with practice is an important teaching principle .

  24. 目前对语文教学原则的认识仍很不深入,作者认为活应成为语文教学的一条基本原则。

    At present , the understanding of its principles is not perfect enough .

  25. 关于《管理学》课程案例教学原则和方法的探讨

    The Teaching Principle and Method of the Management Course

  26. 新课程标准理念下体育教学原则的补充与完善

    The Complement and Perfection of Physical Education Teaching Principles under new Curriculum Standard

  27. 论《高等代数》的结构性教学原则

    Discuss 《 Higher Algebra 》 Structured teaching Principle

  28. 试论数学异步教学原则的特殊性

    On Particularity of Different Step-teaching Principle on Mathematics

  29. 智力障碍儿童特殊体育教学原则探究

    Analysis of the Principle of Children Special PE

  30. 全纳性教育的课堂教学原则

    The Principle of Classroom Instruction in Inclusive Education