
  • 网络naturalism education thought
  1. 其自然主义教育思想的主要内容是:自然教育、自由教育以及教育要遵循儿童的年龄特征。

    This book represents his naturalism education thought , which introduces naturalism education , freedom education , and emphasizes education should follow characteristic of children .

  2. 让·雅克·卢梭是18世纪法国伟大的政治家、文学家、哲学家、自然主义教育思想的创始者以及现代发展心理学的先驱。

    Jean Jacques Rousseau is a great politician , literary , and philosopher in the eighteen century of France , the founder of naturalism education thought , as well as a pioneer of the modern development psychology .

  3. 论西方自然主义教育思想的形成、演变及历史贡献

    On the development and historical contributions of the western natural education

  4. 王阳明与卢梭自然主义教育思想之比较

    The Comparison of Wang Yang-ming and Rousseau 's Naturalistic Education Thought

  5. 西方自然主义教育思想发展述评

    On the development of the naturalist educational concept in the west

  6. 西方自然主义教育思想的嬗变与和合

    The Transfer of Education Thoughts of Western Naturalism

  7. 论中国自然主义教育思想

    On the Chinese educational thought of naturalism

  8. 本论文通过对他们的自然主义教育思想进行比较研究,以期获得有益的启示。

    This dissertation hopes to obtain the beneficial enlightenment through comparing their naturalistic education thought .

  9. 卢梭在《爱弥儿-论教育》第五卷中以自然主义教育思想为基础,阐述了他的女子观。

    Based on naturalistic education thoughts , Rousseau explains his views on women in the fifth volume of Emile-On Education .

  10. 本文对卢梭自然主义教育思想的哲学及思想基础、基本内涵和培养目的等问题加以论述。

    This paper talks about the philosophical and ideological basis , basic connotation and cultivating goal of Rousseaus naturalism educational thought .

  11. 而是他的自然主义教育思想不同于先人,是将自然与社会二者结合的一种新型的自然主义思想,而非单一思想。

    But his educational thought of naturalism differs from the ancestors , is a combination of nature and society of a new type of naturalistic thought , rather than a single thought .