
  • 网络natural theology;theodicy
  1. 从西塞罗到奥古斯丁:自然神学及其局限

    From Cicero to Augustine : Natural Theology and Its Limitation

  2. 自然神学与近代科学的诞生

    Natural Theology and the Naissance of Modern Science

  3. 自然神学曾是联系科学与宗教的纽带。

    On the Relationship Between Philosophy , Religion and Theology ;

  4. 对当代自然神学合理依据的反思

    Reflection on the Foundation of Modern Natural Theology

  5. 新自然神学:智能设计论的兴起及其对科学理论的挑战

    New Natural Theology : The Origin of Intelligent Design and Its Challenges to Scientific Theory

  6. 自然神学与科学

    Natural Theology and Science

  7. 近代科学的理性精神来源于自然神学对古希腊理性的传承。

    The rational spirit of modern science stem from ancient Greek rational which was carried on by natural theology .

  8. 在英国,威廉·佩利的自然神学认为,适应是造物主通过自然法则进行有益的“设计”的证据。

    In Britain , William Paley 's Natural Theology saw adaptation as evidence of beneficial " design " by the Creator acting through natural laws .

  9. 自然神学是现代基督教神学研究的热门话题之一,本文试图从古典的语境发掘这个主题的现代性启示。

    In this paper , we try to find the modem significance of natural theology out in the classical context , which focus on Cicero and Augustine .

  10. 其中最值得注意的是对斯密思想的伦理学本质的重视以及对其思想中的自然神学和斯多亚哲学影响的关注。

    It is indicated that the most noticeable focuses are Smith 's attention on the nature of ethics and the importance of Theodicy and Stoicism in his thoughts .

  11. 近代科学的诞生与基督教自然神学有着很深的渊源,而不只如默顿命题所言的限于宗教伦理层面。

    The naissance of modern science is closely connected with natural theology of Christianity , which is not limited to the lay of religious ethic as Merton 's Propositions pointed out .

  12. 本文分析了西塞罗和奥古斯丁关于自然神学的论述,指出他们基于柏拉图主义的共同背景所具有的一致性,也指出他们基于不同的政治哲学语境以不同的视野反思自然神学的局限性。

    Cicero and Augustine 's theory of natural theology were both based upon Platonism in one hand , in other hand reflected the limitation of natural theology through different political philosophy view .

  13. 一方面是他对传统的关于上帝存在的证明(包括本体论证明、宇宙论证明和自然神学证明)的批驳,即清除宗教哲学的旧的知识论基础。

    On the one hand , he criticizes traditional theistic proofs including the ontological argument , the cosmological argument and the physico-theological argument in order to clear away the traditional knowledge basis of religion .

  14. 一方面,他需要一个绝对意义上的德性论,需要为德性提供一个可接受的形而上学基础;但是另一方面,他在自然神学和斯多亚主义理神论之间摇摆,对两者都持有怀疑态度。

    On one hand , he needed a definite morality theory which provide a acceptable metaphysical basis for morality . On the other hand , He swung between Theodicy and Stoicism , suspecting both .

  15. 自然神论的神学根源

    An Analysis on the Theological Root of Deism

  16. 约定背后的自然&略论卢梭社会契约论中隐含的自然法观念及其神学背景

    Nature Behind Law : On the Natural Law Concept and Its Theological Background in Rousseau 's Social Contract

  17. 第一章主要讲的是西方自然观的演进,主要论述了古代有机论的整体自然观、中世纪神学自然观和近代机械论的自然观的形成和内容,以及三种自然观是如何演进的。

    The first chapter is mainly about the evolution of Western view of nature : The ancient time organic overall conception of nature , Christianity theology conception of nature in the middle age , Metaphysics mechanism conception of nature in the modern times , and how these three concepts developed .