
  • 网络direct proof;direct evidence
  1. 关于CNV是复合波的直接证明

    Direct proof of CNV as a composite wave

  2. 负荷勒夫数渐近表达式的直接证明

    Direct proof of the asymptotic expression of the loading love numbers

  3. 研究了(p,q)型加权几何平均不等式,对0几何平均不等式成立的两个充分必要条件的等价性的直接证明。

    A weighted geometric average inequality of type is studied . For , two equivalence conditions of the weighted geometric average inequality of type is proved .

  4. 目前还不清楚为何当地警方在2012年的时候决定宣布马吉祥死亡,尤其是在那份DNA检测报告不能够直接证明马吉祥身份的情况下。

    It remains unclear why the local police had decided to declare his death in 2012 , especially because the DNA report did not confirm his identify directly .

  5. 本文结果对淋巴因子激活的NK细胞是LAK的效应细胞提供了直接证明。

    This study provided direct evidence that lymphokine activated NK cells are effectors of LAK cells .

  6. 本结果首次直接证明了单胚胎的Le,和朋P一9的分泌水平与胚胎的发育和着床能力密切相关,可以作为胚胎的功能性标志物对于胚胎的功能进行预侧。

    For the first time these results improve that , embryo LeY and MMP-9 secretion level are closely related to the ability of embryo development and implantation .

  7. 这些结果直接证明DMC是β受体部分激动剂。

    These findings directly indicate that DMC is a partial agonist of the β - adrenergic receptor .

  8. 谱仪测量发现,O2辐射迟于OH辐射,它直接证明了O2在链中止后受激辐射。

    The measurements using improved prism spectrograph found that O2 emission always delays the OH emission which directly proves that O2 may be excited after the stop of reaction for the chain .

  9. 利用凸集分离性定理直接证明Lagrange定理,并简化鞍点理论的论述。

    This paper directly derives lagrange Multiplier Theorem on the basis of using the Separation Theorem of convex set about product space without using other additive theory and further simplified statement about the saddle point theorem .

  10. 通过引入Bernstein多项式,应用概率论中的有关结论直接证明了Weierstrass逼近定理。

    A new method for the proof of the Weierstrass approximation theorem with introducing Bernstein 's polynomial and some results of the probability is developed in this paper .

  11. 用15N花生叶片标记直接证明了氮素从花生体内向水稻的转移,随刈割时间氮素转移量显著下降,表明花生根系腐解对间作系统的氮素转移有积极?

    Using 15N foliar labeled method , it was shown that the decomposition of groundnut root had a significant contribution to N transfer happened in groundnut associated with rice system .

  12. 1988年左铨如将欧氏平面的Menelaus定理推广到二维球面型空间.本文在此基础上直接证明了二维球面型空间的Desargues定理和Pappus定理,并给出它们的几个应用。

    The well-known Pappus theorem and Desargues thorem in the Euclidean plane are extended to the Spherical space , and its applications ate also given out .

  13. 常用数值求积分公式的直接证明及收敛性的证明

    The Direct Proof of Common Numerical Integration Formula and Its Convergence

  14. 直接证明粘结的机理是十分困难的。

    Direct proof of the mechanism of adhesion is quite elusive .

  15. 实验结果直接证明了微球核-壳结构存在。

    These photos revealed directly that the microspheres possessed core-shell structure .

  16. 多背压凝汽器中温差场均匀性原则的直接证明

    Direct proof of uniformity principle of temperature difference field in multi-pressure condenser

  17. 这就是减速时期的第一项直接证明。

    This result was the first direct evidence of the decelerating epoch .

  18. 她的衣着是她不随波逐流的直接证明。

    Her clothes were an immediate signal of her nonconformity .

  19. 同时,给出了两个稳定性充要条件等价性的直接证明。

    A direct proof of equivalence of two conditions for stability is given .

  20. 然而,迄今没有实验证据直接证明。

    However , there was no direct evidence to prove that so far .

  21. 很难直接证明这些组织如何帮助了明确的发展目标。

    It is difficult to directly demonstrate how these organisations help explicit development goals .

  22. 并且用截口定理直接证明了多值映射的一个重合定理。

    A coincidence theorem on set-valued mapping is directly derived according to the section theorem .

  23. 摘要关联船的认定方式有两种:直接证明式和间接证明式。

    There are two methods to prove associated ship : direct identification or indirect identification .

  24. 再次直接证明了快分子离子通过固体时,库仑爆炸和尾流效应的存在。

    Coulomb explosion and wake effect of fast molecular ions in foils were once again observed .

  25. 导体角域点电荷静电问题可用电像法解的直接证明

    Direct proof that electric image method can be used in angular space conductor and a point charge

  26. 关于用来确定机构速度瞬心的三心定理的直接证明及若干注记

    Direct Proof and Some Notes on " Three-Centers Theorem " Used for Determining Instantaneous Centers of Velocity in Mechanism

  27. 这是他极度自信的最直接证明,完全不在乎他人的感受。

    It was at once a demonstration of his extreme confidence and total indifference to other people 's feelings .

  28. 本文给出了该定理的一个直接证明.议原文聚焦与译文选词

    A direct proof of the theorem is given in this paper . Source Language Text Focalization and Diction in Translation

  29. 平面射影变换过一不变点至少有一不变直线的一个直接证明

    A direct proof of which the projective transformation of plane has at least a fixed line through a fixed point

  30. 油体向水体侵入时为活塞状推进,为直接证明隔油式油驱水增加了难度。

    It is difficult to make a directness certification of compartmental oil driving water while oil invading water like piston forwarding .