- 名rationalism

Recognition by experience , recognition by dogmatic rationalism , and recognition guided by practice .
The evolution theory of institutional change launched an opposition movements of rationalism and determinism for economic circles .
The transformational-generative grammar received influences from Descartes and Kant 's mentalism .
The form of theological rationalism that believes in God on the basis of reason without reference to revelation .
Empiricism can not provide a valid theory for necessity , and nominalism can not give principles of transcendental awareness a reality .
From the standpoint of linguistics , we say that the impact of philosophical thought on linguistics is profound , especially the impact of rationalism and empiricism .
The reason that his thought was the deepest of his age was that he went beyond the rationalism framework of idealism early in 1959 and primarily formed empiricism .
Theory creation must be based on theory without being bound by it , clear away established ideas that cloud over reality , and break away from the opposition of rationalism and empiricism .
Rousseau could not agree with the contemporary rationalism in philosophy , and he tried to establish his own philosophy based on his own experience which made his philosophy full of rich existentialism .
His initial breaking through of the framework of rationalism is closely related to his anti-ritualism and the view of taking historical facts before theory , which was formed after he was taken as Rightist .
Tocqueville fought against the absolutistic rationalism in political life , thought that political action is originated from the mixture of reason and irrationality , but in this over-disenchanting time , he was more inclined to advocate irrationality .
The article , an effort to explore Chomsky 's rationalism and its characteristics by reviewing its historical origin , focuses on such issues as follows : Plato 's " Theory of Reminiscence " and Descartes ' " Theory of Innate Ideas ";