
wéi lǐ zhǔ yì
  • rationalism
  1. 分析探讨了经验认识方法、教条的唯理主义认识方法和实践主导型认识方法。

    Recognition by experience , recognition by dogmatic rationalism , and recognition guided by practice .

  2. 制度变迁的演化理论发起了一场对经济学界唯理主义和决定论的反对运动。

    The evolution theory of institutional change launched an opposition movements of rationalism and determinism for economic circles .

  3. 转换生成语法则带有笛卡尔、康德唯理主义的影子。

    The transformational-generative grammar received influences from Descartes and Kant 's mentalism .

  4. 神学的唯理主义形式,在理智而非启示基础上信仰上帝。

    The form of theological rationalism that believes in God on the basis of reason without reference to revelation .

  5. 经验主义无法提供必然性的有效说明;而唯理主义则无法给出超验的认知原则的客观实在性。

    Empiricism can not provide a valid theory for necessity , and nominalism can not give principles of transcendental awareness a reality .

  6. 从语言学方面看,哲学思想对语言的影响既深刻又深远:从古希腊时期起,哲学思想就对语言学产生着影响,尤其是哲学上的唯理主义和经验主义思想。

    From the standpoint of linguistics , we say that the impact of philosophical thought on linguistics is profound , especially the impact of rationalism and empiricism .

  7. 顾准的反思成果之所以是他所处时代最有深度的,是因为早在1959年他就突破了构建理想主义的唯理主义构架,初步形成了经验主义世界观。

    The reason that his thought was the deepest of his age was that he went beyond the rationalism framework of idealism early in 1959 and primarily formed empiricism .

  8. 理论创新必须既借助理论又摆脱理论的束缚,克服既成概念对现实的遮蔽,走出唯理主义与经验主义的二元对立。

    Theory creation must be based on theory without being bound by it , clear away established ideas that cloud over reality , and break away from the opposition of rationalism and empiricism .

  9. 卢梭不能认同启蒙时代哲学上的唯理主义,他试图在个体生活经验的基础上建立自己的哲学,这就使他的哲学带有了浓厚的存在主义意味。

    Rousseau could not agree with the contemporary rationalism in philosophy , and he tried to establish his own philosophy based on his own experience which made his philosophy full of rich existentialism .

  10. 顾准最初能够突破唯理主义的框架是与他反教条主义的信念和在划为右派以后视历史事实置优先于理论的观点密切相关的。

    His initial breaking through of the framework of rationalism is closely related to his anti-ritualism and the view of taking historical facts before theory , which was formed after he was taken as Rightist .

  11. 托克维尔反对政治生活中的唯理主义,认为政治行动来自于理性与非理性的混合,而在这个过分脱魅的时代,他更乐意倡导非理性。

    Tocqueville fought against the absolutistic rationalism in political life , thought that political action is originated from the mixture of reason and irrationality , but in this over-disenchanting time , he was more inclined to advocate irrationality .

  12. 通过回顾乔姆斯基唯理主义的历史根源来阐明其唯理主义思想及特点,其中主要涉及:柏拉图的“回忆说”和笛卡儿的“天赋观念说”;

    The article , an effort to explore Chomsky 's rationalism and its characteristics by reviewing its historical origin , focuses on such issues as follows : Plato 's " Theory of Reminiscence " and Descartes ' " Theory of Innate Ideas ";