
wéi yì zhì lùn
  • voluntarism;volitionism;theory that the will of men determines everything in economic work
唯意志论[wéi yì zhì lùn]
  1. 这种思想建立在具有唯意志论色彩的“心力论”基础上,具有提倡“个性解放”的因素,同时具有鲜明的道德决定论色彩。

    Based on the theory of volitionism , the doctrine advocated personality liberation and moral omnipotence .

  2. 非历史的人文精神表现在:主观唯心主义和唯意志论的倾向;

    The human spirit of non history is shown in : the tendency of subjective idealism and volitionism ;

  3. 唯意志论和盟约论神学一起塑造出霍布斯的主权者概念。

    Voluntarism and covenant theology together constitute Hobbes'conceptualization of sovereign .

  4. 不论如何,唯意志论者的核心观点的确与她的话有所共鸣。

    However , the key principles of voluntarism do echo with her words .

  5. 现代社会学思想是以古典(社会学)的唯意志论模式的崩溃为起点的。

    Modern sociological thought begins with the breakdown of the classical , voluntarist model .

  6. 唯意志论认为任何形态的人类行为都应该尽可能随意志而动。

    Voluntarists believe that all forms of human actions should be as voluntary as possible .

  7. 叔本华是19世纪德国著名的唯意志论者,也是一位影响深远的悲观主义哲学家。

    Schopenhauer is a well-known German voluntarism in 19th century , and is a pessimistic philosopher whose doctrine has far-reaching impact .

  8. 当然,最终大首领与其他爱国者的建立成员不同,大首领拒绝了无政府军事主义,而转为拥抱唯意志论。

    In the end though , Big Boss rejects anarcho-militarism and unlike the other founding members of the Patriots , embraces voluntarism .

  9. 理查德·瓦格纳是行为上的唯意志论者和思想上的悲观主义者。瓦格纳的一生的思想和哲学贯穿在他的音乐作品中。

    Richard Wagner is a voluntarism in behavior and a pessimist in thought , his thought and philosophy impenetrate into his music compositions .

  10. 唯意志论是现代西方主流哲学之一,是现代西方非理性主义哲学的滥觞。

    Voluntarism is one of the main streams of modern Western philosophy , and it is the origination of modern Western irrational philosophy .

  11. 叔本华(1788&1860),德国哲学家、唯意志论者和直觉主义艺术理论的创始人。

    Shopenhaver ( 1788 ~ 1860 ), German philosopher , the founder of the theory of " will to live " and art theory of intuitionism .

  12. 其根本局限在于无视客观世界的多样性,陷入了抽象的还原主义和唯意志论。

    The major limitation of the theory is that Nietzsche defies the diversity of the objective world , and is thus trapped in the abstract reductionism and voluntarism .

  13. 社会契约论从无根的个人出发,把政治权威的合法性置于个人对它认可的基础之上,是一种典型的个人主义唯意志论学说。

    The theory of social contract , based on individual , puts the legitimacy of the political authority upon the approval of individual , which is a typical doctrine of individualism .

  14. 唯意志论是一种片面夸大意志的作用,把意志看成是世界万物的本质和基础,主张意志高于理性的非理性主义哲学。

    The Only Will Theory is one kind of one-sided exaggeration , regarding the will as the essence and the foundation and advocating the will higher than the rational non-rationalism philosophy .

  15. 在唯意志论、解释哲学和解构主义对本质不遗余力的摧毁中,武术主体性的消解和重构事实性的摧毁了武术本身。

    On the spare no efforts to destroy with voluntarism , interpretation philosophy and deconstruction , the broken down of the subjective of wushu to destroy itself in actually because of its ' dispelling and reconstructing .

  16. 根据立法理论,立法必须立足于社会客观实际,既不允许立法上的唯意志论,也要消除立法落后于社会发展的实际状况。

    According to the legislation theory , the legislation must base on the social objective reality , does not permit in the legislation only on the will theory , but also must eliminates the legislation to fall behind the social development actual condition .

  17. 图中尼采美学始源于对叔本华的唯意志论与古希腊悲剧艺术的赓续与创新,奠基于对传统理性主义的反思与超越,从而走向审美感性的回归。

    Nietzsche 's aesthetics of the " map " root in the ductibility and creation of Schopenhauerian voluntarism and ancient Greece tragedy art , lay a foundation on the self-reflection and transcendence of conventional rationalism and then tend towards the regression of aesthetics .

  18. 创造进化论是萧伯纳在唯意志哲学和进化论思想的基础之上提出的观点,这是一种生命力哲学。

    The theory of Creative Evolution which based on Voluntarism philosophy and the theory of evolution means Life Force philosophy .