
  • a good habit
  1. 他有每天写日记的好习惯。

    He has the good habit of keeping a diary .

  2. 饭前洗手洗脸是好习惯。

    It 's a good habit to wash up before a meal .

  3. 如果你不使用new关键字来声明一个对象,你将会使这个对象成为全局范围内的对象。所以,永远使用new关键字来声明对象是一个好习惯。

    I don 't see why declaring them at the top of the scope is any better than declaring them when you 're going to use them .

  4. 养成这些好习惯是加强您的UNIX命令行技能的积极步骤。

    Picking up these good habits is a positive step toward sharpening your UNIX command-line skills .

  5. 如果你在晚饭时间或工作假期时间收起PDA的话,你就是给小孩上了一节关于养成好习惯的重要课程,这将有利于你实现工作于生活的平衡。

    When you put away the PDA during dinner or a work vacation , you 're teaching an important lesson about good manners & in addition to modeling work-life balance .

  6. 作为MichaelStutz优秀文章的后续,本文将提供另外10个改进您的UNIX®命令行效率的好习惯。

    As a follow-up to Michael Stutz 's excellent article , this article provides 10 more good habits to adopt that will improve your UNIX ® command-line efficiency .

  7. 另外一个好习惯就是使用MIRRORLOGPATH来避免日志单点故障。

    Another good practice is to use MIRRORLOGPATH to avoid single point of failure for logs .

  8. 丹阿克兰(DanAcland)和马修利维(MatthewLevy)后来的一项研究发现,学生们也存在类似的习惯形成效应,不过遗憾的是,好习惯往往不能延续到寒假以后。

    A later study by Dan Acland and Matthew Levy found a similar habit-forming effect among students , although , alas , the good habits often failed to survive the winter vacation .

  9. 当从应用程序代码中使用SPARQL时,避免把数据集绑定到查询是一个好习惯&例如,它允许把同一查询重用在不同的图上。

    Avoiding binding the dataset to the query is good practice when using SPARQL from application code & it allows the same query to be reused with different graphs , for instance .

  10. 因此要养成一个好习惯来替代坏习惯。

    So develop a good habit to replace the bad habit .

  11. 这个好习惯每周做一次。

    This is a good habit to do once a week .

  12. 理由是他已经养成了一个好习惯。

    The reason is that he had developed a good habit .

  13. 每天早晨在体育馆煅练是一种好习惯。

    Exercising every morning at the gym is a good habit .

  14. 鼓励幼儿提问,学习中养成爱发问的好习惯。

    We will encourage the kids to ask questions during classes .

  15. 到狱中布道的神甫们也证明他在宗教方面的一些好习惯。

    The chaplains bore good testimony as to his religious habits .

  16. 每天操练英语是一个好习惯。

    It 's a good habit to practice English every day .

  17. 你在旅途中没学过什么好习惯。

    You certainly didn 't learn any manners on your travels .

  18. 我们应该养成珍惜时光的好习惯。

    We should get into the good habit of saving time .

  19. 上课记笔记是一个好习惯。

    It is a good habit to make notes in class .

  20. 你会想给自己增加什么好习惯?

    What 's one good habit you would like to add ?

  21. 通过这个过程,孩子们培养成终身的好习惯。

    Throughout the process , someone is building good lifelong habit .

  22. 但这不是一个好习惯,而且不礼貌。

    But it 's not a good habit or manners .

  23. 我觉得记忆和钻井通道一样,这是个好习惯。

    I think memorising and drilling passages like this is good practice .

  24. 坚持写日记是一个好习惯。

    It 's a good habit to keep a journal .

  25. 我已经养成了全神贯注地吃饭的好习惯。

    I have formed the good habit of being absorbed in eating .

  26. 我们来看看乐观人群的10个好习惯。

    Here are the ten essential habits of positive people .

  27. 在童年时代养成好习惯是很重要的。

    It is important to form good habits in one 's childhood .

  28. 查字典是个好习惯,但依赖字典翻不好译。

    Dictionary is a good habit , but not over-dependent translation dictionary .

  29. 一旦我们消除了坏习惯,我们就加强了好习惯。

    Once we have eliminated bad habits , we reinforce good habits .

  30. 好习惯必须被紧紧抓住,而且需要百分之百地投入!

    Good habits must be grabbed firmly and with a strong commitment !