
hǎo xiāo xi
  • Good news;glad tidings;good word;hot wire
好消息 [hǎo xiāo xī]
  • [good word] 有利的、感兴趣的、关心的、激动人心的信息

  • 传播好消息

  1. 你是想先听好消息还是坏消息?

    Do you want the good news or the bad news first ?

  2. 那些等着听好消息的人会大吃一惊的。

    Those expecting good news will get a rude shock .

  3. 听到他们的好消息,我们都大喜过望。

    We were overjoyed to hear their good news .

  4. 我带来了好消息。

    I am the bearer of good tidings .

  5. 这真是好消息。

    That 's great news .

  6. 收到他的好消息让我欣喜若狂。

    I was so thrilled to get a good report from him

  7. 对总理来说也算是有个好消息。

    There is good news of a kind for the Prime Minister

  8. 好消息是现在可以获得专家的帮助。

    The good news is that expert help is now available .

  9. 很遗憾,好消息的后面紧跟着就是坏消息。

    Unfortunately , bad news has come hard on the heels of good

  10. 我叫道:“真是个好消息!”

    I cried : ' It 's wonderful news ! '

  11. 他带来了好消息。

    He was the bringer of good news .

  12. 海外销售额的上升对于不景气的美国经济来说是个好消息。

    The rise in overseas sales is good news for the ailing American economy .

  13. 好消息还不止这些。

    The good news did not stop there

  14. 尽管到现在为止还都是好消息,但是可能过不了几天就会有坏消息传来。

    While the news , so far , has been good , there may be days ahead when it is bad .

  15. 这好消息使我如释重负。

    The good news has taken a load off my mind .

  16. 他把这个好消息转告了他的朋友。

    He passed on the good news to his friends .

  17. 附带告诉你一个好消息。

    Incidentally , here 's a good piece of news .

  18. 听到那个好消息时,他按捺不住高兴的心情。

    When he learned of the good news , he was beside himself with joy .

  19. 好消息传来,人心激奋。

    When we heard the good news , everyone felt encouraged .

  20. 咱们去把这个好消息告诉他吧。

    Let 's get along and tell him the good news .

  21. 听到这个好消息,玛丽喜出望外。

    Mary was bursting with joy over the good news .

  22. 听到这好消息,她心里喜滋滋的。

    When she heard the good news , she was immensely pleased .

  23. 快把这好消息告诉奶奶,让她老人家喜欢喜欢。

    Quick , tell grandma the good news and make her happy .

  24. 我们期盼着他的好消息。

    We are looking forward to his good news .

  25. 我报告大家一个好消息。

    I have some good news for you all .

  26. 接连不断地传来好消息。

    Glad tidings came in rapid succession .

  27. 但不久菲力普斯太太带来了好消息,说彬格莱先生可望于一两天内返回尼日斐,班纳特太太激动万分。

    But soon Mrs Philips brought the happy news that Mr Bingley was expected to return to Netherfield in a day or two , and Mrs Bennet became very excited .

  28. 好消息是,这项技术大部分已经问世。

    The good news is that most of this technology is already invented .

  29. 好消息是,67岁的耶伦特别擅长应对这些挑战。

    The good news is that Yellen , 67 , is particularly well suited to meet these challenges .

  30. 好消息是,众议院刚刚通过的一项法案和参议院财政委员会通过的一项法案将实施或测试许多改革,这些改革将有助于长期减缓医疗费用的上涨。

    The good news is that a bill just approved by the House and a bill approved by the Senate Finance Committee would implement or test many reforms that should help slow the rise in medical costs over the long term .