
Hǎo Wànɡ Jiǎo
  • Cape of Good Hope
好望角 [hǎo wàng jiǎo]
  • [Cape of Good Hope] 南非一省。省会开普敦。1488年葡萄牙航海家迪亚斯首次绕过非洲南端地峡时给好望角命名

  1. 货轮绕过好望角,驶入大西洋。

    The freighter rounded the Cape of Good Hope and sailed into the Atlantic .

  2. 我渴望到好望角去旅行。

    I long for a trip to the Cape of good hope .

  3. 根据总部位于伦敦的船舶经纪商braemarseascope的数据,仅2011年一年,好望角型(capesize)干散货船(吨位最大的船型)的总交付量预期将达到220艘,使全球船队运力增加近21%。

    This year alone , according to London-based Braemar seascope Shipbrokers , total deliveries of Capesize dry bulk carriers the largest kind are expected to reach 220 , increasing worldwide fleet capacity by nearly 21 per cent .

  4. 我被逐至好望角有一年之久。

    I have been bundled off to the cape for a year .

  5. 他在好望角省有一所大房子。

    He had a big house in the Cape province .

  6. 我们认为还是把我们的航运绕道好望角为妙。

    We thought it best to divert our shipping round the Cape .

  7. 去好望角很令人兴奋。

    It was exciting to go to the cape .

  8. 他的船能经得起好望角的风暴吗?

    Is this boat strong enough to ride out the storms of the Cape ?

  9. 他们通过无线电了解到船刚刚绕过了好望角。

    They knew by radio that the ship had just circled the Hope Cape .

  10. 在好望角,我们登陆取了淡水,

    where we landed to get fresh water .

  11. 在好望角航行的鬼船船长。

    The captain of a phantom ship that sails near the Cape of Good Hope .

  12. 德莱克.济慈是南非西好望角省大学的一名教授。

    Derek Keats is a professor at the University of Western Cape in South Africa .

  13. 去好望角他现在正赶回来见�

    to the Cape , he 's on his way home now to meet you .

  14. 但较小型的船舶尚未显示出好望角型船舶这样的复苏态势。

    However , smaller ships have yet to show the same recovery as Capesize vessels .

  15. 英国得到重要的殖民地,包括马尔他,好望角和锡兰。

    Britain acquired valuable colonies , including malta , the Cape of good hope , and ceylon .

  16. 好望角型船舶只运载铁矿石和煤炭,大多数是供应钢厂。

    Capesize ships carry only iron ore and coal , most of it destined for steel mills .

  17. 直到我们到达南非好望角,天气一直有利于航行。

    We had good sailing weather until we reached the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa ,

  18. 据说风暴中的一种鬼怪船尤其是远离好望角的时候。

    A spectral ship said to be seen in storms , especially off the Cape of Good Hope .

  19. 在好望角展区,我了解了许多有关钻石开采过程的知识。

    At the Cape of Good Hope exhibit , I learned much about the processes of mining diamonds .

  20. 随后,所有各方都收拾行囊,分赴地中海、汉普顿或好望角等度假胜地,尽管欧元区危机的烈焰仍在熊熊燃烧。

    All parties then packed their bags for the Mediterranean , the Hamptons or the Cape as the eurozone remained alight .

  21. 17世纪的荷兰殖民者把欧洲的商法带到了好望角;

    The Dutch settlers of the 17th century brought with them the European his commune to the Cape of Good Hope ;

  22. 他要先过好望角,然后再过合恩角,向南极走去吗?

    Would he double the Cape of Good Hope , then Cape Horn , and push on to the Antarctic pole ?

  23. 人们把这风叫“好望角医生”,因为风能吹走城里的灰尘和污染物,使空气洁净、清新。

    It has this name because it cleans the city of dust and pollution , making the air clean and healthy .

  24. 一天早上,当我们正绕过好望角时,他们袭击了我,把我绑了起来。

    One morning , as we were sailing round the Cape of Good Hope , they attacked me and tied me up .

  25. 他估计,在中国主要的卸货港口曹妃甸、北仑和青岛,共有35艘好望角型货船正在等待停靠。

    He estimated that 35 capesizes were waiting to berth at the main Chinese unloading ports of Caofeidian , Beilun and Qingdao .

  26. 在驶向好望角的途中遇到暴风雨时,每个舱口都被封上了。

    During the storm in the passage to the Cape of Good Hope , the hatches of the ship were battened down .

  27. 在去年十一月,中国表示其将在吉布提设立军事基地,吉布提是非洲好望角极其重要的战略入口。

    In November last year , it announced it would establish anaval facility in Djibouti , the strategically vital entrepot on the Horn ofAfrica .

  28. 毗邻好望角的坎戈岩洞是南非最美的岩洞群之一。

    In the area just behind the Cape zone are the Cango Caves which are among the most beautiful in the whole of South Africa .

  29. 1788年亚瑟•飞利浦船长到达悉尼港,带来了他从巴西和好望角买来的澳洲第一株葡萄苗。

    In1788 Captain Arthur Phillip arrived at Sydney Cove he bought along Australia 's first grape vines from Brazil and the Cape of Good Hope .

  30. 但有钱的游客常去东部狩猎,或向南到印度洋和好望角豪华度假地去游览。

    But the big-money tourists went east or south for the big game safaris and the luxury resorts on the Indian Ocean and the Cape .